Why is it worth relaxing on the Adriatic coast in Italy?


If you want to relax with the child, swim in the fine warm sea, sunbathe on the beach, walk in the embankment in the embankment, to give themselves romantic evenings in a restaurant or a bar for a glass of exquisite Italian natural grape wine, under the sounds of music to dine dearerly cooked fish dishes, then of course You should spend your holidays on the Adriatic Sea coast in the forever young and festive city of Rimini - the homeland of the famous and all beloved film director Frederico Fellini, smaller in size and more patriarchal Senigallia or Ancona - as it is also called the "the ancient city of Doriytsev".

Why is it worth relaxing on the Adriatic coast in Italy? 8321_1

These Italian cities are very similar to each other, and at the same swarming are very different. Each has its own special highlight, the unique architecture of old temples, fortresses, preserved elements of houses and winding streets, the history of which is associated with the days of the greatness and fall of the Roman Empire. Each of the named cities is inherent in its traditional special cultural program, which is filled with international festivals, competitions, sports competitions, concerts of outstanding artists, performances of the best theatrical corpse, all sorts of sales of products of world-famous brands throughout the year.

Why is it worth relaxing on the Adriatic coast in Italy? 8321_2

Rest on the Adriatic coast is attractive in that it will not be monotonous monotonous boring. Only from your desire depends on a daily recreation program, in which in addition to the hike on the beach there will always be time for sightseeing, which is so rich in this region, visits to discos, which work almost until the morning, participation in all sorts of carnival flash mobs or to walk on the boat along the coast .

Why is it worth relaxing on the Adriatic coast in Italy? 8321_3

As for the organization of nutrition, then with this, for sure, there will be no problems in any of the cities. Abundant traditional breakfast at the hotel will be able to satisfy every taste and appetite. A variety of yogurts, cutting cheese and sausages, hamon, fresh pastries, delicious buns and croissants, fresh fruits, watermelons, melons, magnificent coffee, cocoa and tea will restore your strength, will give a charge of cheerfulness and energy to lunch or even before dinner. In the middle of the day - dinner time, however, no appetite, you just want water and fruit. But dinner in the evening, it will be very by the way. The only thing that surprised is very small portions of second dishes on beautiful huge plates with a picturesque garnish of caramelized vegetables. However, the presence of a nearby grocery supermarkets allows you to buy and fruits and Hamon, and the delicious white bread, baked by special Italian recipes, in sufficient quantity so that the room can be relaxed after the beach and have a snack between breakfast and dinner.

The recreation season comes in mid-May, when the temperature of the water in the sea reaches, sometimes, 20 ° heat and continues, almost, until mid-October.

Why is it worth relaxing on the Adriatic coast in Italy? 8321_4

The highest prices in hotels, of course, will be in high season - in July, when the sea warms up so much, which is comparable to warm tea and you can swim and swim with hours.

Why is it worth relaxing on the Adriatic coast in Italy? 8321_5

The wonderful feature of these cities are the most endless embankments in their length, where hotels are located. What can be more beautiful than falling down and wake up under the noise of the surf and breathe with sea air.

The best time of rest, of course, July-August-first half of September is considered. It will be cheaper in May-June, the second half of September and October. Storm and cloudy weather are extremely rare. The photograph captured the embankment in Senigallal in the early morning when there is no soul on the beach.

Nothing can compare with pleasure to jump on small waves, given that the shore and the bottom of the sandy, and the depth of the sea at a distance of about 15-20 meters from the coast will be from 0.5 to 1.5 meters, the dangers for those who can swim , there is no.

Why is it worth relaxing on the Adriatic coast in Italy? 8321_6

The resort on the Italian coast of the Adriatic Sea without exaggeration can be called amazing and universal: everyone will find for themselves the right rhythm, meaning and maintenance of a magnificent recreation and unforgettable pastime.

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