Features of recreation in Tenerife


After the intense winter at work and after the protracted cold spring, so she wanted the sun, and the heat is well and simply knew nothing on the beach. Strange, but gathering once again in Belek (Turkey is usually the most affordable, fast and close option) Life brought in Tenerife to the Canary Archipelago. And, in truth, it was a very pleasant change of direction.

Tenerife is literally in an ideal place - there is no cold and also here is not very hot. Tenerife is also known as the "Eternal Spring Island." Let, of course, in May, there are still no safari in May, but still warm, sunny and what is most important, not very crowded, even despite the fact that 43% of the inhabitants of the entire archipelago live on Tenerife.

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It is logical that the main view of the rest is the beach - the sun, the sand and a great hotel, but was a pleasant surprise that there are a lot of interesting places on the island. The island has a very ancient history. The ancient peoples were called Tenerife in different ways, so for example, the Romans called him "Nivaria" from the word "Nix", which means snow, probably it was a pointer to Tayid's volcano - the island has a volcanic nature, the soil here is rocky-stony.

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The archipelago is called Canary or another name of the islands - Dog Islands, because the expedition of the king of YUBES second brought the huge dogs from the archipelago, which were called Canary, since then the islands are called Canary (from the name of the breed of dogs) or just a dog :) by the way, something There are no huge dogs on Tenerife, but for the owners of the pets a pleasant advantage is that there are quite a lot of hotels in which guests are allowed to bring pets. Nevertheless, Tenerife is a very tight and clean island, or the level, whether the culture of residents and tourists contributes, but it is very pleasant to walk on clean streets, not advancing cigarette and candy. The island is very appreciated by comfort and quality, here it is in fact unrealistic to see the breakdown shops, festering urns and cake toilets, even in public places, and does not matter how much the most expensive place is. But on the other hand, depressing the level of small theft, the pockets can fly everywhere and literally miss the moment and you can say goodbye to a wallet or telephone, although you need to be alert everywhere in any country in any city.

In any case, Tenerife is a great place to relax as lazy people who just want to lie down on the beach and for lovers of historical and natural attractions. The same gorge of a mask of what is worth, the length of the route on the gorge is about 10 kilometers, and the hills reach 800 meters. Only here the trip is not at all for "weakbanks", and going on Tenerife, it is necessary to be finished to be ready for the tour, take the necessary clothes, oby and equipment.

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But without a mask, there is enough interesting places and excursions, such as a trip to La Gomer Island, from where Columbus went to look for India in 1492.

So if you have a dilema where to go - the beach or wildlife, then go to Tenerife, you are waiting there and the other!

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