On the Market Square of Nuremberg


Nuremberg is one of the few cities in Germany, who retained the special spirit of the antiquity, the beauty of nature and the eternity of architecture. Our visit in the city turned out to be completely random, they did not want to visit here, planned straight to Munich. But, apparently, at the destruction of fate, we needed to visit this place.

The wall of the rain that met us at the entrance to the city, as the car gradually promotion, gradually died, and by the time we got to the center, disappeared at all. Surprisingly, bad weather can spoil the first impression of the city. However, it should be noted, Nuremberg itself is like this: raw, gloomy and strict. Everything feels restraint and clarity. Germany, what to do. Here everything is special: nature, architecture and even residents.

We had very little time for the inspection of the city, and therefore decided to do everything in the mad monkey mode. The main square of the city is slightly different from those that we used to see in other places in Europe. In the afternoon, it represents the place of trading to everyone that you can imagine. It is not in vain called market, because it is really a real market. Almost all, starting from food, ending with minor souvenirs who have acquired with a big hunt and we have become sold. In the evening, all shops are folded, and in the area you can walk in your pleasure, making stunning photographs.

There are enough objects that could be captured, but I will stop at three. The first architectural creation is the Church of Our Lady - Frauenkirche.

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One of the largest, old and visited churches of Nuremberg. Her appearance goes into the deep 14th century, and the construction is associated with the victory over the Jewish ghetto. This construction is allocated from the overall architectural composition of the square, it is inherent in its special and unique features. It has an almost square form that is uncharacteristic for the rest of the buildings of this place.

"Beautiful fountain" - no less than an old construction.

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Consists of several tiers, each of which displays some sector of life: history, science, religion. For example, at the highest level, Moses and seven prophets are depicted. The appearance of the fountain affects the imagination, and its main part is the magic ring, skillfully inserted into the lattice, does not leave other options, except to hold for him, smiling at the camera.

The second after, and maybe the first in front of Frauenkirche, in popularity, there is a church of St. Lorentz. For a long time she was considered the most important church of the city. Its unique features are surprisingly clearly transmitting the entire charm of gothic architectural style. The construction of his appearance is very similar to the Cathedral of Our Lady in Paris.

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The unique view of this temple turned out to be due to dark red sandstone, which, in principle, is not used in the Gothic architecture.

To walk from the dinner until the evening, we did not have time to get acquainted with Nuremberg, but we received general information about it than the prematched grateful to very friendly local residents.

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