Where to go to Pizzo and what to see?


Pizzo is a small town on the Tyrrhenian coast in the southern part of Italy. Let many think that the Sicilian mafia is still dominant here, but in fact, coming here to tourists are not at all afraid, there are no gangsters here and for a very long time, for years. Much still recalls the opposition of the authorities and mafiosi, their struggle for domination in the region. About the past Here you resemble narrow streets, floor unfinished houses or already dilapidated buildings. Nevertheless, it only makes the atmosphere brighter, it just gives a special spirit and color the city. Sometimes it seems that the lives here froze, there is nothing to do here and in general it is a forgotten corner in the mountains, but everything is not so gray and sully. Sometimes it seems that all the narrow streets of the city flock on the embankment, because the Chtaraya part lies like a hill, going down to the beach.

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There is just a great coast, gorgeous beaches and excellent coastal waters, many beaches are marked with a blue flag for purity.

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In addition to the excellent beach area in the city there is something to see, only the church in the cave is worth it!

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And so about everything in turn. Arriving in the pearl of Calabria in the summer, tourists simply break between chic beaches and historical sights, because as a rule, the holiday is interesting, only ends quickly. Above the city is towering the ancient castle-fortress Ferdinand Aragon or Murat Castle. The castle was built in gloomy times for Calabria, in the 15th century. I ordered to build a fare Ferdinand Aragon, who came here in order to suppress the uprising raised by local feudalities, who wanted to get rid of the Move of Aragon. And so in 1487 it was ordered to build a new castle of Pizzo. After 5 years, the construction was completed and by the way to this day the lock is preserved in pristine form. But he received his current state of the castle thanks to Joachim Muratu, Napoleon's supporter, Murata was executed in this castle in 1815. It deserved Murat because he managed to conquer the Kingdom of Naples, but when Murat lost the battle of Waterloo, Murat captured, sharpened in the castle and later shot. An unusual person was Joachim Murat! Born in the family of the innkeeper, was preparing to become a priest, but he went to the army, became an aduteant of Napoleon himself and finished his life as a prisoner.

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The next mandatory for visiting the landmark in Pizzo is the underground church of Pitigrott. The church is located at the entrance to the city and it is hidden in the rock on the shore so that they do not immediately guess that there can be something in the grotto. Piedigrotta was found by chance by sailors who threw ashore. According to the legend in the 17th century, a ship was crashed in the Tyrrhenian Sea during a storm, saved the sailors together with the Madonna icon hid from bad weather in the grotto on the shore. When the storm dishes, the sailors left, and the icon was left in the cave. Through whatto time, the icon found local fishermen and attributed it to church. After the next storm icon, the church disappeared, and to a large surprise, she was revealed to the cave from where it was taken. Fishermen decided to build an altar in the cave and hung a ship bell. But this is just a friend who was so impressed by the artist Angelo Baron, that in 1900 he decided to spread the cave, and from tuff, which filled the cave, created the sculptures of biblical characters. Angelo worked on sculptures of the whole 15 years, his work continued his son and worked on sculptures for 40 years, finished the sculpture of the nephew Angelo in 1969. Today it is the current temple, the Mass serve here, for parishioners, the entrance is free. And so the entrance for adults is 3 euros. The church is open from 9 to 13 and from 15-00 to 19-30.

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There are several other inulene churches in the city, each as a small work of art. Such such as Chiiesa di San Rocco de San Francesco Di Paola (yes, such a name is not even immediately remembered).

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Honestly, seeing three churches, the fourth is no longer remembered unfortunately, probably because everyone has his own.

Another church in the city is the Church of St. George, built in 1576.

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For curious in the city there is also a museum of acute pepper! I wonder, I never thought that there were even such museums. Very acute, unusual and tasteful.

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And in general, walking along a new city you can find a lot of interesting things, every tourist will find what he wants to see. Someone is interested in diving, the underwater beauty is impressive not less ground, and someone more like under the groaning sun to walk with the landowner viewing the buildings, docks, old monuments ... In any case, everyone will find something for themselves.

And one more tasty, almost museum attraction of the city is Ile Tartuffo di Pizzo - a special ice cream created in 1943. This is a wonderful desser - ice cream with a liqueur with chocolate and cocoa. It looks very similar to a truffle cake, probably therefore Tartuffo called it. Very tasty and unusual. In general, Calabria is a very inspection region, seafood and Italian delicious desserts.

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