What should you expect from rest to Pizzo?


Arriving once in Italy on the Tyrrhenian coast, yes or to Kalabria in general, it is not possible not to fall into the punch beauty and do not want to return here again and again. By the way, going first time in Kalabria, I told my friends who live Rome, so that I just did not hear - and stories about Italian mafia, and horrors about the fact that tourists are kidnapped with the purpose of ransom, and then hold them in high in the mountains from Where and it is not possible to escape, and how many horrors about robbed rooms in hotels. And how many cases of pulling out bags from hand right on the street, so do not convey. It was a feeling that I was not going to Europe and somewhere into the Mexican wilderness with drug cartriers and gangsters at every corner.

But when we arrived, we saw a completely different picture - cities in the Calabria region are growing like mushrooms among the Rocky Mountains of the region, 3 National Park are located - half a slope (located on the mountain of the same name), strength and aspromonte. Calabria is the birthplace of Bergamot, there are 90% of the entire Bergamot produced, and it is here that oils are produced, which are used in perfumery and in the production of tea grades Yerl Gray.

Among these amazing natural beauty, the states of local buildings are surprising. Surely, their imprint imposed an earthquake and a struggle for control over the territories in the 70s of local mafia and the authorities.

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Very many buildings either in unfinished either in a dilapidated state.

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Streets do not always leave the most pleasant impression, but these are realities of local life :)

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I didn't even want to take pictures. But from the embankment there is a completely different impression.

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What should you expect from rest to Pizzo? 8291_5

Like many cities of Calabria, Pizzo has a very ancient story. Historians believe that the settlement was founded by unknown colonists from Magna Greece, but there was no archaeological confirmation of this. Then the town of the town dated 1300 is pop up, monks came to these lands, which founded a fishing village, a small port and fort with him.

Pizzo City is primarily known for its beaches, which are considered one of the best in the region and on the Tyrrhenian coast, but in addition to wonderful beaches, the city is also rich in historical sights. First of all, the Aragon Castle of the 15th century is located here, in which the relative of Napoleon Joachim Murat executed, another interesting place is the church in Pecker Pitigrott.

In addition to historic sites in itself, the old town is very interesting. Probably due to the fact that there was no serious reconstruction and rebuildings, everything was preserved here in an original form. The streets are narrow, courtyards quiet and walls still keep the memory of the Sicilian mafia.

And, by the way, there is no mafia there, there are no bandits that attack from behind the corner, no one kidding anyone. Perhaps the mafia itself fascinated itself, the city became very attractive for tourists, now the streets are lively, tourists with cameras will be blown everywhere and everything is asked about the local ice cream, because the ice cream in Pizzo is considered the best in Calabria. I will not tell about the whole of Italy and about the whole Kalabria, but the ice cream pizza is really very tasty.

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