What are the interesting places worth visiting in Klagenfurt?


The city of Klagenfurt is a cute, small European town with a rich historical past.

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Raissed from a unique natural, drinking alpine lake Wörthersee, Klagenfurt amazes an uncomplicated tourist with an abundance of excellent old cultural monuments. Of course, by the number of masterpieces of historical heritage, Klagenfurt is unlikely to be comparable to the cities of Salzburg, Innsbruck or Beauty Vienna, but still see what. In addition, the presence of an excellent lake in the city feature and beautiful beaches - exactly what gives the city a kind of highlight.

The old town is where, walking with old streets, you can plunge into the Middle Ages. Narrow, powerful streets with perfectly preserved houses of past centuries closely intertwined among themselves.

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Old town in Klagenfurt is one of the most beautiful in the whole of Austria. According to its beauty, the historical part of the city of Klagenfurt is almost comparable to the wonderful historical architectural masterpieces of the capital of the state.

No wonder, for compactness, beauty and preservation of cultural heritage The Old Town of Klagenfurt was awarded three times with prestigious diplomas "Europa Nostra".

The city is so compact that the few sights of the Old Town can be viewed independently, without resorting to the services of special tours and sightseeing bureaus. It is worth saying that the city of Klagenfurt experienced many cataclysms, in antiquity, the city was completely burned, almost to the ground and only thanks to the reigning at that time, the emperor Maximilian, the city was rebuilt on old projects. So the city as if "two" stories - before, and after the fire in the XV-among the XVI centuries.

Start inspection I recommend from the Town Hall.

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This is one of the main attractions of the XV century, which has been perfectly preserved and reached our days in the pristine appearance, despite the complete reconstruction at the end of the XVI century. The main domain of the city is on New Square and every year collects thousands of tourists. A very interesting and unusual look has an internal staircase, all the experts and guides pay attention to it.

A real masterpiece of architecture and the true main attraction of the city is the Klagenfurt Landhaus. This wonderful two-story building joined most of the directions and flows in the art of architecture. Landhaus is located the very center of the old city. By the way, it is used and today, now there is a residence of the government of the federal land of Kararance.

During the inspection of this wonderful historical complex, I advise you to pay attention to the majestic design of the indoor interior. The most beautiful part of this building is a stamp hall.

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It was in this room in those distant times of the imperial courtyards and royal widths in the coat of arms held the most significant ceremonies. There were tested by the monarchs, filled balls and receptions.

The walls of the coat of arms are painted by a famous artist by Fromiller in the form of more than 700 coat of arms of noble Persons, and the ceiling crowned paintings from historical scenes from the life of the rulers. The crown of the complex was the famous "Ducal Stone" - established as a symbol of the origin of democracy.

In addition to the coat of arms, there is another so-called "small stamp hall". I highly recommend not to leave this room without attention. Walls with perfectly saved paintings on historical events from the life of the monarchs. A stunningly beautiful place.

The coat of arms of the city of Klagenfurt is a dragon as a symbol of distant legends. In the present, this character is embodied in the Lindwurbrunnen fountain (which means "Dragon Fountain").

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Very popular and odious architectural landmark Klagenfurt. This is the most famous fountain among tourists and guests of the city. He is always full of people. In the center of the fountain (naturally), the dragon with a wounded outstage (from which water flows) and the figure of the hero of the ready to join the "Fight" with the monster.

The fountain besides his odiousness, there is also a certain reminder of the ancient legends and legends. According to one of them, the Dragon lived on the site of the city of Klagenfurt and naturally lived there. The "insatiable monster" was terrified by local peoples, until the local bogatyr, which entered into battle with the monster and (of course) won. In gratitude at the same place and the city was built.

I highly recommend "to honor" my attention a wonderful park miniature, referred to as "Park - Museum" Minimundus ". The park is assigned an extensive territory (about 27 thousand square meters).

This place is the most visited from all that the city can boast. On the territory of the park area are collected and installed unique in their own kind of miniature copies of attractions from all over the world.

Total miniature attractions in the park set about 171 models. There are accurate copies of masterpieces of world and ancient architecture of approximately 53 countries of the world.

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Fucking in the park Miniature can be done free of charge "World Tour" on the sights of the globe. Here, the Cathedral of Basil Blessed is adjacent to the Eiffel Tower and the ruins of Parthenon are not far from the Sydney Opera House.

Very adore in the park to have children. In addition to architectural, historical miniatures in the park there are work models. This is how the world around us is just executed in miniature. Along the railway canvases, on the schedule there are trains,

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Little ships and barges walk on the rivers.

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Looking for such beauty you feel like a certain "Gulliver in the country of Liliputs."

For completeness, I advise you to climb the height of 905 meters by visiting the Pyramidenkogel Tower.

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With such a height, excellent views are opened both at the city itself and the valleys, beautiful lakes and the Alps mountain ranges themselves.

You can go up to the tower in two ways: on foot or on a high-speed elevator. For tourists, three viewing platforms are equipped with pylon pipes, thanks to which everyone (in detail) can consider the beautiful lake

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With his wonderful beaches and enjoy the views of the magnificent nature of the surrounding city.

And so that the independent visit was not so much affected on its own budget, I recommend, initially buy a special Kaernten Card subscription. This Oboment (Map) allows a tourist for a free visit to museums, walks on some boats, the use of trains in the tourist destinations and excellent discounts of 50% for public transport. Such a subscription will cost 34 euros for adults and 15 euros - for children.

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