What is worth viewing in Andora La Vella?


Here are some attractions that can be found in Andora La Vella.

Bridge over the Valira River

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This is a pedestrian bridge that connects the shores of the largest river in Andorra. The cable bridge is located in the heart of the city and this is one of the most popular tourist destinations in the country. Unique architecture, elegant white metal pylons, which converge from above and end with a massive ball. Closer to night the bridge is highlighted, and it looks incredible! On this sight can be watching infinitely.

Castle Set Panis

The castle is located in Barry Antik, a very interesting area of ​​the city, where an ancient village was located in the past, from which the city himself grew up. "Set of Panis" means "chest for seven castles": many years ago the castle kept the most important state documents. The building could open only if all representatives of the districts of the capital, who owned keys from the main entrance door, gathered together.

Castle d'Ecklar

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This is a luxurious vintage castle built in the IX-XII centuries. The castle on the top of the hill is 1126 meters high, offering a beautiful panoramic view of the forest and the village of Koloma. The lock is open for visiting.

Address: Carrer Dels Barners, 41

Residence Sala del Consell (Sala Del Consell)

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This residence of the Government of Andorra was built in the first quarter of the 11th century, again in the Barry Antique area. The castle in the traditional style of the Pyrenean architecture is located in the center of the city and originally they owned a noble family of local residents, later the building turned out of hand to hand, many times reconstructed and changed the appearance and interior decoration. By the very beginning of the 18th century, the appearance of the building was changed finally and the building received the status of the Palace of Parliament Andorra. The place is very interesting. On the upper floors there is a philatelist museum, there are halls of the Museum of Local Life. This building is very popular among tourists.

Casa de la Valla Castle (Casa de la Vall)

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The name of the castle is translated as "Doline House". The fortress from the unprocessed stone in the old quarter of the city was built in the XVI century. The three-storey style castle resembles the Catalan estate, and after a certain time after the construction passed to the possession of the parliament, where meetings are held to this day. Here, besides the residence of the parliament, there was also a prison, a court, a hotel and chapel San Ermengol. It is said that such multifunctional use is considered to be alone in the world. Inside everything is very simple: wooden benches and stone walls, but still beautiful frescoes of the 16th century and copper candlesticks. The castle of this ascetic church is crowned with towers and gear walls is the most important cultural and historical value of the country. Both inside and outside, the lock is almost completely deprived of decor elements. In the chapel of the house, the Vallee stores the coat of arms and the flag of the Principality of Andorra. The lock is open to visits. Admire the Hall of the General Council, where the court sessions and the kitchen with ancient utensils were held. On the ground floor there is a hall of justice, the only court of country. The first floor with the Hall of Justice divides the Church of San Ermengol. Also on the territory there is a philateological museum, near the chapel of St. Armenol and the original monument in honor of the signing of the new Constitution of Andorra in 1993 (the monument depicting the national dance).

Address: Carrer Major 4

Salvador Dali sculpture

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The sculpture is on one of the central squares and is called "the nobility of time" (a copy of the famous work of the great artist and the sculptor of El Salvador Dali, depicting the melting clock). The sculpture is presented by the principality of a trustee and the agent Dali. The figure of bronze five meters symbolizes the flow of time, in the top of the dial with the crown displays the power of the time over all humanity.

Address: AV. MeritXell.

Sculpture "Storm in a cup of tea"

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Very and very interesting monument, which depicts a cup of tea in thirteen meters in diameter. The bowl holds the equilibrium on the slope of La Botella gorge. A lot of disputes walk on the sculpture and plan of the sculptor and there are many thoughts, in particular, deeply philosophical. However, the author himself claims that he did not want to tell the world anything special. The idea of ​​creating this unusual openwork figure came to mind the master once in the process of tea drinking. So, and nothing else.

Address: Parokenia La Massana, La Botella Gorge

Church of St. Armenol

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This is a small temple in the Romanesque style, which resembles a rural church. But building a serious and very interesting, with strict and right geometric lines. The inner decoration of the church is also ascetic, similar to the medieval castle, almost not changed since the construction times. Therefore, the sensations when visiting the castle arise the most sublime.

Church of Sant Pere Martyr

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The church can be found in Escaldess endorgani. The temple of the young, was built in the second half of the last century. The chief altar of the church of granite was built on the means of the local association of weavers. There are inside and outside the same ceramic elements. Square bell tower is impressive with three bells - Maria, Anna and Jacob.

Church of St. Cornelius and St. Cyprian

What is worth viewing in Andora La Vella? 8276_9

Church in the town of Ordino, which is 10 km north of Andorra La-Vella. The old church in the Gothic style is impressive with its five baroque styles that are devoted to the patrons of the Church. Luxury handicapped grilles, which are molded manually, date back to the XVII and XIX centuries. Well, the main beauty of the church is a wooden statue of the Virgin Marya 44 centimeter height, which was made in 11-12 centuries. The statue is considered the smallest in the country.

Address: Carrer Del Turer, Ordino

Comic Museum

This is a very original museum on Fonttas Square. The museum you can admire a large collection of posters and humorous journals, as well as temporary exhibitions of worldwide recognized artists and illustrators. Among the comics there are very rare and old copies, including, here you can find horror comics (horror items), which can scare children (therefore in the museum are allowed from 12 years old). Attend the museum, for the most part, students and collectors. The museum has guides who spend fifteen-minute tours of the museum.

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