Why is it worth going to Honolulu?


Honolulu is located on Oahu Island and is the capital of Hawaii. The name of the city translated from Hawaiian, sounds like a "secure bay". The most important attraction of Honolulu is the world's famous, the Navy Base, called Pearl - Harbor. Honolulu is an international tourist center, the largest city in the Hawaiian Islands, in which the largest airport of this state is located.

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Popularity, this resort can be fully appreciated by traffic jams. The population itself, the city is four hundred thousand inhabitants, but visitors and tourists, probably, if not as much, then a little less. Because of traffic jams, Honolulu received a title with the same name, ahead of even Los - Angeles on road workload. Since Honolulu is not complaining about popularity, then the attractions here are quite enough.

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Sights Honolulu.

- Palace of Iolani.

- Park Kapiolani

- Hawaiian Museum of Art

- Crater extinct volcano Diamond Head

- Vaikiki Beach

- National Pacific Memorial Cemetery

- Academy of Arts Honolulu

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