Rest in Viareggio: Useful Tips for tourists


Viareggio is a small resort town on the coast of the Tyrrhenian Sea in Tuscany. This resort is considered one of the most prestigious and expensive, but still easier than Forte Dei Marmi.

As in any city there are their nuances and trivia, the ignorance of which can create some problems.

First of all, many tourists are worried about the language barrier, not all tourists speak Italian, only this is not a problem, in all hotels most of the staff speak English. In principle, the administrators of five-star hotels are obliged to speak at least 3 foreign languages. Basically, they speak English and French or German.

Another important point is a connection with the relatives that stayed at home. Calls from abroad, especially if you do not have ordered roaming service to cost very expensive, but even with roaming, the cost of calls can sometimes be pieting. I advise you to take advantage of the texafon in the city, they are enough in the city, the cards are sold in the post office. If you call abroad, choose the TELESELEZIONE machine guns. This is how the sign of the machine with which you can call abroad looks.

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The cost of the calls for calls abroad - 5 euros and, for example, to talk with Ukraine, you can 17 minutes, I think this is enough for a trip in a few days.

A small unexpected nuisance can also be sockets, the fact is that the hotels and restaurants are installed European sample sockets, so do not forget the adapter, although in all good hotels, adapters are issued free at the time of living in the room.

Many tourists smoke, but in Viareggio, smoking in public places is prohibited, but there are special places next to each shopping center or a large margin for taking their health :). Smoking seats are indicated by such a sign

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The restaurants have separate halls for smokers and non-smoking.

In Italian restaurants, small cafes and just confectionery and bakery personnel and visitors, especially local residents are very polite. Also, they have very good memory :) Coming to the store or cafe is taken to greet and it does not matter in what language even, just a polite smile and "Hello" more than enough. But the Italians will be doubly more pleasant if you say "Salve" or "Chao". And do not be surprised if you come to the same shop or cafe for the second time you will be treated with politeness and so that you are a permanent client. The locals are very friendly and open, so you can also chat with you :), in Italy, it is customary to call his name to the name and profession. "Mi Chiamo ..." in Italian means my name is "Figure" - very nice, "But Parlow Italyano" - I'm not talking in Italian, but many locals speak English.

And the last moment - tips, in Viareggio it is customary to leave 10% of the cost of the order, in some expensive restaurants, tips are already included in the account. Also, tips leave taxi drivers and maids.

By the way, about a taxi. The machines are installed counters, but it is better to ask about the cost of the trip in advance, here you can already bargain, a taxi driver can overestimate the price, try to knock her down at least percent for 25-30. If you are going to pay the counter, then when you pay, it is customary to round the amount to a convenient whole number. So, for example, 22.5 euros is worth rounding to 25.

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Have a good trip!

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