What time is it better to go to rest in Rabat?


The capital Morocco - Rabat, will meet the rest of the luxurious sunburn, and in the winter will hold tourists in its attractions. Tourist season in Rabat, lasts all year round. In the summer, Rabat is visited, beach recreation fans. The average temperature in the warmest months of summer, such as July, August and September, is thirty - thirty-two degrees of heat.

What time is it better to go to rest in Rabat? 8202_1

In the resort season, the water temperature on the beaches of the resort, reaches a mark of twenty-two degrees. Those who wish to get acquainted with the attractions of the capital Morocco, can visit the Rabat in winter. In winter, there is no crepe heat here and, accordingly, the most comfortable conditions are created to obtain unforgettable impressions from the knowledge of the ancient history, the occurrence of the city. The average air temperature in winter is about eighteen degrees. When to go to the discount with children? It may be any month of the year, but the best time is September.

What time is it better to go to rest in Rabat? 8202_2

Rest in the capital of Morocco, it is impossible to be called very budget, but you can significantly save, if you go on a journey, not at the midst of the holiday season, but let's say at its very end. If you do not plan to spend your vacation on the beach, then you can safely go to the discount and during the winter holidays or after the winter holidays.

What time is it better to go to rest in Rabat? 8202_3

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