Features of rest in Kamen Vurla


Kamen Vurla is a place where it is possible not only to get acquainted with the history of this oldest country - Rodigar Hercules - Greece, but also to improve health. Local thermal sources are rich in minerals and radon. In these healing waters, you can swim, you can wash it, it is even enough to breathe water - the effect will not make himself wait long. This Greek resort is universal and is suitable for visiting at any time of the year.

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Before the trip, if there are some chronic diseases, it is better to consult with a doctor and warn wherever you go. In addition to cosmetic, recovery and relaxing procedures, local sanatoriums specialize in treating pretty serious diseases:

  • Inflammatory diseases of the joints, musculoskeletal system
  • Gynecological and urological diseases
  • Diseases of respiratory tract
  • Skin diseases (dermatitis, eczema, etc.)
  • Diseases of the liver

All treatment is based on the healing properties of water. Radon penetrates very well through the skin and after receiving the bath or inhalation procedures remains in the body for even several hours. In addition to Radon, water contains many minerals that make it in the literal sense of magical. Sources There are both paid and free. Here is the choice for you. Free sources are well equipped: Cabins for dressing, parking, toilets. But you can buy something like a sanatorium trip, paying the course of the medical program with accommodation and nutrition. Prices, depending on the season, differ greatly. In the low season (from January to mid-May and from the end of August to the end of October), the trip for 7 days will cost 700 euros for a single room and 500 per double; And in the high season (from mid-July and at the end of August), 1100 and 800 euros, respectively.

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The Greeks, for some incomprehensible reason, believe that it is necessary to go here only very patients or very old. Here is full of resting old age, which will look at you with a mixture of pity and sympathy - so young and so sick. But you should not pay attention to it and think that you are traveling to the nursing home. Prevention of diseases expensive stands, so many athletes and people leading an active lifestyle are chosen to this resort for a week - another to restore the strength and relax the body.

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If everything is in order with health, after all the procedures, I want to walk, Kamena Vurla opens on the other hand. Lovers of history will be interesting this resort is unusually. It is also a starting point for visiting various places where the myths of ancient Greece come to life right in front of the eyes: Delphi - Archaeological Reserve (Apollo Temple, Treasury, Theater, Stadium); Monasteries Meteora, Mount Mountain - Motherland Centaur and more. The head goes around from the usual and at the same time fabulous places that can be seen with their own eyes and touch with your hand.

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Near the resort there are picturesque islands with stunning nature and an equally stunning story: Alonnisos, Skiathos, Skopelos. You can come here with a one-day excursion, so staying on the day-another.

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Spa beaches - a separate topic. They are great. Clean water, good infrastructure, the possibility of selection of sand / pebbles. Beaches in Kamen Vurla - not only the place of reception of water procedures and sunbathing. There are many different sports competitions (volleyball, beach football), in which anyone can take part. A large number of cafes and restaurants are located near the beach zones. Seafood and fish are the main dishes of local taverns.

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Kamena Vurla is an unusual resort offering a variety of recreation options for the elderly, and for young people. Here is a mass of various entertainment: climbing, parachutism, surfing, bars, discos, restaurants with excellent cuisine. In Kamena Vurla, you can get first-class treatment, excellent cosmetic procedures. Sometimes it seems that there is everything that you can wish. Therefore, when traveling to Greece (unless, of course, do not go forth in local sanatoriums), be sure to schedule a few days to visit this year-round miracle resort.

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