Best time to relax in Vungtau


Weather in Wangtau can surprise the novice traveler, because the summer here comes to the European winter, and the winter, on the contrary, begins in the midst of heat, in European countries. Vungtau is a great place where you can relax in the winter, because escaping from the harsh Russian winter, you will find yourself in the real kingdom of heat and even tropical heat.

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The hottest months in Vungtau, are February, March and April. At this time, the thermometer column, reaches a mark of thirty-four degrees of heat. The most cold months in Vungtau, June, July and September are considered. In this period, the outdoor temperature is lowered to the mark of thirty degrees with a positive value. For the same period, there are the largest amount of rainy days. The wet month is September and its share falls, as many as twenty six days, wet weather.

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The situation with July, no better, because this month rains go twenty-five days. June, a little land, since the rains are poured here only twenty-three days, which means that this month has a whole week of dry and pleasant weather. When you go to vacation in Vungtau, it should be solved, but it should be noted that the warmest water on the beaches here in April, May and June.

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Since in June, it is rained here, April and May, are considered an ideal time to relax in Vungtau. The temperature of the water in this time segment is twenty-nine degrees with a plus sign.

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