Best time to relax in Mombasa


If you decide to go to Mombas, you should consider the fact that the weather here is very different from the one to which Slavic people are accustomed. The thing is that the warmest months here comes for the winter and the beginning of spring, namely for December, March and April. In December and April, the thermometers show on average thirty-three degrees of heat, but in March, although thirty-four degrees of heat. Therefore, if you decide to escape from cold and ice, a winter megalpolis, then Mombasa will gladly take you into its hot arms.

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The water temperature on the beaches during this period is twenty-eight degrees with a sign plus and water with such a temperature, you can safely be called with pair milk. The rains on Mombas are quite rare guests, but it should be remembered that one of the most rainy months is December and its share drops around seven days of rainy weather. Winter in Mombasa, falls on our summer. The beginning of winter in Mombasa starts in June and ends in August.

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Resting here, of course, it is possible in winter, because even during the winter months the temperature of the outer air does not fall below twenty nine degrees of heat. For recreation with children in Mombas, our summer months are more suitable, but for lovers in the midst of the Russian winter, to get bones on the purest beach, it is certainly better to go to Mombasa for the winter holidays.

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