Rest in Nikolaev: where to eat and how much does it cost?


Traveling through the cities of the near and far abroad, as well as on the expanses of their native country, I was convinced of how important it is to have at least the slightest idea of ​​the point of appointment until the long-awaited arrival. Of course, this little concerns cases when you fight with the help of a travel agency, whose employees are obliged to consider all the components of your comfortable stay. However, more and more is gaining popularity of the fashion to ride the world with its own way. Such a strategy significantly reduces the expended finances, subject to awareness of the most optimal vacation options.

An important role during staying in the country / city / village plays the presence of not only good conditions for living, as well as a variety of assortment of entertainment, but also the possibility of tasty to spend. Nikolaev does not lag behind the advanced Ukrainian tourist destinations on the number of restaurants, bars, pizzerias, confectionery and other food destinations. The city has a large selection of places in which you can eat depending on the appetites of both financial and gastronomic.


1) Restaurant "Idol" , ul. Karpenka, 42a - is one of the most vintage institutions of Nikolaev, which was openly in 1985. During the long time of its existence, the restaurant has undergone a lot of high-quality metamorphosis, which went to him only benefit. There is a professional team of cooks with great experience of work, which can pamper the restaurant guests with delicious and original dishes. Here you can enjoy all sorts of Ukrainian national dishes. There are two halls available - by 25 and 100 people. Also pleases the location of the establishment, which is located in the very center of the city. The restaurant has a summer playground and a pretty fountain.

Rest in Nikolaev: where to eat and how much does it cost? 8176_1

Mode of operation: from 11.00 to 23.00.

The average cost of visiting: 150 - 250 UAH.

2) Restaurant "Astoria" , ul. Nikolskaya, 7 - say that this gorgeous establishment does not say anything. This is one of the best restaurants of Nikolaev elite class. The magnificent interior, sophisticated dishes and polite staff adequately pay off a very impressive cost of stay here. This is worth going to people who appreciate the combination of high quality and high-class service, while not accustomed to savings, but rather, even on the contrary. The restaurant has three halls that differ in the designer idea. In stock Golden, Green and Fireplace Halls, in each of which has its own raisin. Very prestigious among the citizens is considered to note the wedding or anniversary here.

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Mode of operation: from 11.00 to 23.00.

The average cost of a check: 300 - 400 UAH.

3) Restaurant "Stargorod" , ul. Sports, 9 is a great place for a family holiday, which is located on the shores of the elite yacht - club. This institution has everything for a bright and memorable rest. The most important thing is that it will not be bored by your kids, they will be engaged in games and contests local animators. The decoration of the restaurant is simply luxurious, there are several halls, each of which is directly and unique in design. You can choose from the veranda, central, fireplace, retro, black and white halls. It is also possible to order a whole banquet and a location of the dislocation to choose the same room. In the warm season, you can accommodate on the summer terrace, in order to come into contact with the charms of nature closely. The assortment is Ukrainian, European and Japanese cuisine. Reviews about the institution are very flattering, the only warning - for such a rest will have to pay a lot.

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Mode of operation: from 11.00 to 23.00.

The average cost of a check: 200 - 300 UAH.


1) Cafe "Panna Cotta" , ul. Nikolskaya, 53 - a cozy establishment that offers its visitors mainly sweet dishes and a variety of tea and coffee varieties. However, there is an opportunity to enjoy Italian cuisine, which are represented as pizza. There is also a food purchase service with you, which expands the possibilities of buyers. In addition to all sorts of desserts and slopes, which are designed to please bodily sensations, you will also please you at this institution, which will warm the soul and give an excellent mood.

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Mode of operation: from 9.00 to 22.00.

The average order cost: 50 - 100 UAH.

2) Cafe "Ukrainian" , ul. Kitoboev, 14 is a glorious and cozy establishment, which has good glory among visitors. Despite, his eloquent name, the cafe on the national side also opens up the availability of Ukrainian cuisine in the menu. To see here the flavor in the design do not hope, but still the situation is glad. Executive staff will do everything possible so that the client is satisfied with and full. There are two halls in the cafe - the main and banquet.

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Mode of operation: from 10.00 to 23.00.

The average order cost: 50 - 150 UAH.

3) cafes "Daily" , ul. Faleevskaya, 41 - another great option for a pleasant pastime for delicious meal in Nikolaev. Here you can safely relax from urban noise and fuss, enjoy a delicious and satisfying dinner, chat with friends, and also please the delicious dishes of kids. European design draws attention, which is made in fashionable global trends. The cafe meet every visitor, as a long-awaited guest, which makes stay in him doubly pleasant.

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Mode of operation: from 11.00 to 23.00.

The average order cost: 50 - 150 UAH.

4) Cafe "MIX FIGHT" , ul. Soviet, 4B is an original establishment for sports lovers, won wide popularity among residents and guests of Nikolaev. Ultra-modern design, pleasant staff and the opportunity to watch a favorite sports match on a huge screen, make rest in this institution very attractive. The visitors are offered the best European cuisine dishes prepared on the recipes of sports world celebrities. For example, here you can taste pancakes from Fedor Emelianenko. The cafe has a wide range of tea and coffee drinks. The territory occupies one spacious room, which is characterized by the originality of the design.

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Mode of operation: from 9.00 to 23.00.

The average order cost: 50 - 150 UAH.

I wish you a pleasant stay in Nikolaev, as well as delicious meals and friendly waiters!

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