What excursions should go to Romania?


Romania is a very interesting country with an insanely beautiful nature, a rich history, a large number of interesting sights. A large number of locks in the Gothic style constantly lead to delight. But, most of us probably with the memories of this country, remember immediately Roman Bram Stoker "Dracula" and the first point where the guests want to get to the place of transylvania, where the Castle of Bran, attracting a huge number of tourists, is located. Then in the second place in popularity is the city of Bucharest, here you can see a lot of interesting things, including the strange palace built by the Ceausescian dictator, this buildings firmly fits into the architecture of the city, maybe many citizens would not mind to demolish this building, but it is like a symbol of that time, reminds residents about what poverty their country of Romania was driven. From the point of view of excursions, it is necessary to come here for one week to have time to see all the most interesting. Even 10 days on our own experience I can say, weakly enough for everything about everything. I will talk about the most striking excursions that you should visit, you will be in Romania.

What interesting excursions should be visited in Romania.

1. A sightseeing tour of the capital "Bucharest is the capital of Romania." There is a very short calculated for 2 hours, but there is a long-term - about 7 hours. I advise you to take the second. To wish to compare two parts of this amazing city for yourself. Especially beautiful is the northern part of Bucharest, there are a large number of parks, boulevards, chic mansions and houses of the 19th century made in different architectural styles. Everything is drowning around in greenery. There are no industrial buildings and incomprehensible structures, everything is very harmonious and beautiful. What you can not say about the other part of it, there is a dictator board of Ceausescu, who made the architecture of the city of contrasting, a large number of gray industrial buildings, ahead with residential buildings, among them if you can see the old church of the 17th century or some mansion. No wonder the city of Bucharest is called the city of contrasts. In addition, they will show the old part of the city with its famous streets and the main buildings of the capital.

The cost of the excursion is 80 euros.

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2. Corvin castle (Huniada) in Brasov. - To come to Romania and not see a single castle, will be a real crime. The most colorful in my opinion is Corvin Castle built in the Gothic style. Beauty It is impressive so much that it is very difficult to describe in a nutshell, you have to see with my own eyes. Now inside it is the current Museum of the Korvinov family. In general, the inner decoration remained intact and you can see how such an influential and rich family lived in 1456. The cost of the excursion to this castle is about 60 euros.

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Corvin Castle.

3. Palace Peles and Castle Bran (Dracula) - Usually they are combined in one excursion to feel the contrast. Initially, Bran is being taken to the castle, with the appearance, I would not say that it looks particularly gloomy, inside a very pleasant, in bright colors. There is no feeling that the Count Dracula lived here, which was horrified by residents. In fact, as the guide told, Vlad Chain and was not the owner of this castle, but only there was a frequent guest here. For lovers to rip their nerves, visit the castle of Bran stands on Halloween's Day, when at night there are excursions, then the lock is decorated with the necessary attributes, plus include the appropriate voice acting with all sorts of terrible sounds. I have not seen, but there are still feelings. After visiting Bran, the Pelesh Palace is being brought. He is located in a beautiful small town of Sinai. The palace was built with Carla I, which was a universal favorite in Romania and made a lot for the country. On the inner decoration, he has no equal, all handmade. Peles can be called the most beautiful and luxurious. And I, perhaps, also agree with this, although I did not have time to see all the palaces and castles of Romania. Cost of excursion 90 euros. By time, it is designed for the whole day.

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Castle Bran.

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Palace Pelesh.

four. Sightseeing tour of the city of Brasov - Brasov is a very beautiful city, once was the capital of Romania. In my opinion no worse Bucharest. Here is the unique object of the Black Church, the building is striking with its scales and beauty. Organ concerts are often held in it, who will have the opportunity to buy a ticket. The guide said it should be done in advance wishing a lot. In the process of the sighting excursion, they raise on the funicular to Mount Tumpa - the height of about 1000m. A chic view of Brasov opens from there. And at the end lead to the old part of the city, where you feel that it was in the Middle Ages. It is here that the first Bible written in Slavic. The cost of the excursion is 45 euros. By time, it is designed for 4 hours.

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Brasov city.

five. Excursion to the city of Sigisoara - There is a fortress with the same name included in the UNESCO list. Next, visit the house-museum, where the count of Dracula was born. Again the situation is very pleasant, no gloom and fear caused this place. But you want to get here a lot. In the same house there is a restaurant with the same name, all the dishes in one way or another carry the name of the Dracula. Here you can delicious dinner, prepare excellent, prices are not high, only a menu is confused when the "crying dracla" or "Dracula Dream" is confused. It is constantly necessary to call the waiter and clarify that this is meant. The cost of the excursion is 30 euros. It takes about 3 hours.

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City of Sigishoara.

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