What interesting can be viewed in Winterthere?


Located not far from Zurich, the wonderful town of Winterthur is ready to offer tourists excellent leisure opportunities.

Colored by green paints, colorful resort is the sixth largest in Switzerland, although he began its development fairly late, only in the 19th century. It was during the production of locomotives and activation of textile affairs, the construction of numerous factories, Winterthur received significant development, and people began to invest significant funds in the development of the cultural life of the city.

In general, the town of Winterthur is made more in the British style, because during the development times people went for new ideas in England.

Today, the old buildings are converted to apartments, restaurants and shops, and in the old part of the city, there is a pedestrian zone that leads to the famous Church of St. Lawrence, which no tourist is missing.

Today, the town surprisingly combines the style of High-tech and classics, it is built up with modern cottages and glorical arts. Thousands of tourists visit this cozy and beautiful place annually, because there is something to see and where to go.

It is called paradise photos, and art connoisseurs are going here from everywhere. Numerous museums and city galleries are always full of tourists, many of which have acquired world glory.

On the territory of Winterthura about twenty museums and galleries, so tourists always have where to go. The city of Winterthur is often referred to as the city of museums.

The most famous of them - Museum of photos located at Grüzenstrasse 44/45.

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It is valuable for both professionals and true connoisseurs of photographs and ordinary tourists who just want to see those magnificent pictures presented in the museum expositions. It contains simply a huge number of works, classical and modern, expositions are periodically replenished.

For photographers, it is considered a great honor when his work is exposed to the museum. Therefore, annually, there are exhibitions of masters from around the world, representing the work of photo art. Different topics are assembled here, from animals to people and space, so this is just an incredible sight. People seek in a different world filled with colors and beauty. Photos come to life, allowing you to travel through all those places that are captured in the photo.

Amazing place Wintertura - Mansion "Am Römerholz" owned by Oscar Reynharta and located at Haldenstrasse 95.

It contains the most amazing private collection of art, because even during life, the collector created a whole gallery on the territory of his house. After the death of the owner of the mansion, the authorities created a museum here, which can visit everyone.

Oscar Reinhart gathered in his collection the original of the works of Monet, Renuara, Cesan, Bruegel, Rubens. All of them are insanely expensive and beautiful.

In addition to beauty inside the mansion, a park with various, no less magnificent sculptures was created on its surrounding territory. You can enjoy the park and in a cozy cafe, which always takes guests.

Located at Museumstrasse 52, Museum of Art It offers tourists to enjoy one of the most exquisite collections of contemporary art. Van Gogh, Picasso, Kandinsky, adjacent to the works of French impressionists.

And at Tösstalstrasse 44, since 995 opened its doors Villa Flora which represents the works of famous painters. Pictures of impressionists collected by Arthur Khanlozer and Hedi, since 1907-1930, consider very valuable and simply great.

In addition to museums and galleries, amazing locks are located in Winterhouse.

One of them is Castle Kiburg.

The well-preserved, medieval castle of Kiburg was founded in XI, and is still a majestic monument of history and architecture, which was a real witness of the events of past times.

In 1027, belonging to the nature of the kiburgh, the castle was mentioned for the first time. After the death of the last representatives of the family, the castle switched to Habsburgs. After the coup in 1798, the genus Habsburg lost possession over the castle and he changed the owners several times until 1917, until he moved to Zurich Canton. After that, all the facilities of the castle began to be considered a historical museum.

Today, the exhibition of the museum tells tourists about the lives of graphs and their life.

An interesting exposition is considered to be dedicated to the kitchen within the castle. It presents beans, nuts and cereals, which are already more than eight hundred years.

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In the castle chapel, the frescoes of the 15th century are preserved, in which the scenes of a terrible court are captured.

Recalament Winterthura is considered Castle Mersburg Mention of which is referred to by 1241.

Scientists believe that in the 10th century, a wooden fortress was built in its place. The ownership of Counts Kiburg was expanded in 1250, and since 1273 they began to own Habsburg.

As a museum, the castle began to function only since 1901.

Located on four floors, the museum is a storeroom of useful information about the life and furniture of the XVII-XVIII centuries. In numerous expositions, books, armor, weapons are presented, some of them are devoted to the improvement of residential premises of those times.

Tourists are provided with a unique opportunity to see the wine cellar of the castle. Those interested can stroll around the garden, and the territory he is surrounded by the castle.

A bright representative of historical values ​​is also considered Lock HEGY which was a residence of rich families for several centuries, thanks to which the old castle architecture was surprisingly preserved. Although they are referred to 1200.

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In the 15th century, under the leadership of Ulrich, the background of Hoenlanddenberg and Gogo, a chapel, a knightly house and side towers were attached to the castle.

Almost all its existence, the castle was in private ownership, until he moved to the ownership of Canton Zurich, in 1587-1787.

Today the castle is also considered a museum. In numerous expositions, medieval exhibits are presented, such as paintings, ceramic products, weapons belonging to the XV-XVIII century, household items and some subjects of the internal decoration of the castle.

The museum works every day, except for the period from November to February.

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