Excursions in Innsbruck: What is worth looking with the guide, and what yourself?


Innsbruck is located in the valleys of the Inn River and are surrounded by high mountainous massifs.

Such a "neighborhood" favorably affects climatic conditions. The city combines a centuries-old culture of Tyrol with modern "moving" in architecture, and mountain ranges provide a pleasant ski rest to all lovers of a healthy lifestyle.

Excursions in Innsbruck: What is worth looking with the guide, and what yourself? 8110_1

Some areas of the city can only be associated with sports, with the "Olympic" console. A huge stadium, one of the highest springboards for slalom, gorgeous, diverse mountain ranges on the "Patcherkofel" even bobslane routes in the Igls area. But it will be noticeable at all about the beautiful sports facilities, in the city enough interesting, historical attractions capable of surprising anyone, even the most biased tourist.

Before starting the sights of the city's attractions, I strongly recommend purchasing a special, discount, tourist map "Innsbruck Card". This wonderful card gives the right to its owner for significant discounts in cafes, restaurants, a variety of local harchevs are also free visits to all significant museums in the city of Insburg, including the Swarovski's outstanding museum.

The card happens different species and is also different (price equivalent) in time.

The daily "Innsbruck Card" will cost tourists in 33 euros, and so in the increasing. Map for two days - 41 euros and 72 hours - 47 euros. By the way, in Austria (in general), there is an excellent rule - adolescents under the age of 15 equal to children and have a significant (50%) discount on all services.

The most important landmark of Insburst, she protruding something like a visiting card of the city is the "Golden Roof" of the municipal building. If the "plunge" is deeper in the history of this attraction, it is clear that the emperor Maximilian decided to simply "shick" before his subjects covering a canopy above the balcony of gold,

Excursions in Innsbruck: What is worth looking with the guide, and what yourself? 8110_2

Where noble empire was observed for tournaments. Now, the place where the knights fought with each other forced by plastic armchairs, tables and umbrellas of a street cafe, and instead of gold plates, a canopy above the balcony is elegant with gold-plated tiles. But, no matter how there it was, the place attracts a lot of tourists and very visiting.

I want to pay attention to the workshop of bells. Of course, the workshop of this family family company Grassmeyer is difficult to call. This is rather a factory, in which the Museum of the Bell Rovna is open.

Excursions in Innsbruck: What is worth looking with the guide, and what yourself? 8110_3

Like each family-owned enterprise, there is a "secret" of the manufacture of bells, which is transmitted through the male line for 14 generations of masters. It is noteworthy that the bells of this enterprise with their ringing are pleased with people in approximately 100 countries around the world. While visiting the museum you will be shown the workshop itself, where the bells are directly cast. There is an opportunity to listen to the beautiful, melodic chime, visiting the calling room.

These are those attractions that can be visited by itself without resorting to help professional travel agencies or personal guides.

There are places that simply need to be visited using professional guides. Without their survey story, the sights of any city (including InsBURK) will be not complete. I would like to advise a personal guide, which is located in Insburg itself on An der Lan Strasse 33 Street,

Excursions in Innsbruck: What is worth looking with the guide, and what yourself? 8110_4

Philologist, licensed guide - a guide of the company "Austria Guides" on Innsbruck and Tirol - Russian-speaking Anna Zagorukhiko. The cost of the guide is not cheap pleasure (the full one you ordered, a sightseeing tour of any sights of the old town of Insburs is worth 120 euros per group of up to 20 people). I would recommend to fully use this agency by choosing at least two, from the total mass of excursion tours. The first is a sightseeing tour of InsBURK. By time, the excursion takes 2 hours. It takes place (mainly) in the old town, where all the main historical sights of the city are concentrated. At the price of -120 euros per group of up to 20 people, for a group of up to 30 people price of 130 euros .. But, nevertheless, I would recommend, the old town to visit on my own, choosing only a four-hour tour of the Swarovski museum. Excursion is called "Swarovski Crystal Worlds", duration of 4 hours. The excursion is simply great and will be interesting not only to adults, but also for children. The fairy tale created by the Swarovski company, embodied in the museum complex begins simply at the entrance from the head of Giant, which once was just a hill.

Excursions in Innsbruck: What is worth looking with the guide, and what yourself? 8110_5

Eyes are two huge green crystals, and a decorative waterfall is erupted from the likeness of the mouth.

Further, no less impressively exposure made up of magnificent crystals presented in the labyrinths of the master's museum. The excursion itself is simply amazing, the feeling of the fact that the guide for years "gained experience" and compiled the secrets of "manufacturing" crystals. So accurately, and most importantly interestingly built an inspection with a competent explanation, with the history of creating every object of exposure in any museum hall.

Excursions in Innsbruck: What is worth looking with the guide, and what yourself? 8110_6

For children, there was a little "straight" 4 hours as part of the excursion to inspect every corner of the museum. But the guide of the "imaginary problem" decided quickly, a close cooperation of the company with the museum is visible. Children (who are tired of walking) smoothly moved to a wonderful park with children's playgrounds (naturally under the non-primary supervision of the administration). Thus, in the interruptions between an excellent excursion, adults could afford a little relax in a restaurant or cafe (at will and means) on the territory of the museum.

The above firm still provides a bad excursion tour to a wonderful, small Zoo "Alpenzoo".

Excursions in Innsbruck: What is worth looking with the guide, and what yourself? 8110_7

The cost of excursion is 35 euros from an adult (children under 15 years old discount 50%). Naturally, this zoo can be visited independently, but with an independent inspection, the picture will be a bit not complete. Naturally, it all depends on the tourist - whether he is ready to get quite professional guide services - a guide or (with a small one's own budget) to limit the independent inspection. But, be that as it may, with a professional guide, more deeply know the beauty of any sights.

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