Fascinating Havana


Cuba is a colorful country frozen in time. This is a poor state where the average salary for the month is not more than 25 dollars. A system of two currencies operates on Cuba for tourists: local currency (1 peso) and tourist (1 Cook). By local currency - prices are very low, and on tourist - on the contrary. Cuba is famous for its retro cars, there is no such country in any country. This is due to the fact that after the revolution in Cuba, the government banned local residents to have new cars. New cars, mostly belong to members of the government or foreign diplomats. Export of rare machines in Cuba is prohibited, so they prevail on the roads of the country.

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There is a law on Cuba, obliging local drivers to bring tourists by hitchhiking, as local transport in the city is practically absent. You can move around the city to tourists on Coco-taxi (triple moped), the cost of its 5 dollars. He got its name because of the bright color and appearance, similar to Coconut.

The capital of the country is Havana. This is the main tourist center where the masses of tourists flow. To feel the atmosphere of this city, it is better to go to the Old Havana area. Houses here are in disserval, hazardous plaster, cracks in the walls of buildings. Trees decades grow out of roofs of houses, and local residents never lock their doors, as they have nothing to steal.

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The mandatory visit to tourists in Havana is the Revolution Square. The 109th Meeter Tower and Memorial Cuban writer José Marty are the main symbols of the Cuban revolution.

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On the streets of Havana there are no eateries, fast food, coming here Tourists go to the restaurant, where prices are very high.

Cuba's visiting card is the salsa dance. Translated from Spanish, the salsa is translated as a sauce, this is due to the fact that in the salsa mixed many different dance styles. In Salsa, there are no eroticism and passion, it is improvisation, requiring only a few basic movements.

Not far from Havana are beaches. Bakuranao is popular among Cubans and divers, because near this beach at the depths of fourteen meters there was a sank ship. On the beach of Santa Maria del Mar a lot of clubs, restaurants and bars, there is always noisy and fun.

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