Vinnitsa markets and shops


Each city of the world is more or less equipped with a web for sale points of a variety of goods. Speaking about the assortment of trading establishments in the city of Vinnitsa, to say that they do nothing much here. Recent years has become very popular to use the opening of stores on the first floors of residential buildings. Judging from my travel experience in other regions, this idea of ​​seven-year steps is distributed even on small towns. Walking around Vinnitsa's streets, you can purchase absolutely any product based on their wishes.

Extremely relevant was the construction, pompous in the area and a variety of all sorts of products, shopping centers. There are representative offices of all-Ukrainian retail chains, as well as their own centers built on the idea of ​​local craftsmen. Until the start of its rapid development towards European culture, there were several spontaneous markets in the city. However, the city authorities decided to emphasize the territory and localize these very bazaars on specially dedicated areas. At first, residents protested against such a turn of events, because the habit of serving in the fresh air was rooted in the consciousness of people since the time of the scoop. The government was categorical and did not give up positions, people had to accept and take this innovation. Personally, I believe that all changes went to the city only in Plus - they became spacious and noble to look at many streets of Vinnitsa. I'll tell you more about where you can find markets, shopping centers and ordinary shops in the city.


For those who have not forgotten what fresh home products, I will tell you in detail about the city markets. Of course, you can not bother yourself and get sick in the nearby supermarket with the necessary altitude, however, there are situations in which it is easy to do without a market. I have a hurry to note the fact that all sellers who implement their goods in the markets are obliged to expose this very product to special control. Without the permission of the relevant services, the seller deprives the right to apply for a trading point. This is not to relate to those who lay out their products near the market or in any place convenient for themselves. Buying goods from such sellers, you take all the responsibility for the consequences of yourself. Being on vacation, I think no more emergency situations wishes, so I advise you to make purchases in the appropriate places.

1) the market "Cherry" , ul. Kelets, 122a - is a two-storey building that boasts a large choice of yummy. On the first floor, fresh products are concentrated, separated in convenient, for the buyer, manner - meat, sausage, fish, dairy department, sweets pavilion, fruit - vegetable department, floral row, cafe. The second floor accommodates things needed for life - clothing, shoes, decorations, cosmetics, household chemicals, animal department, sewing workshop. Transport routes allow you to get here from anywhere in the city. There is also a comfortable and wide parking.

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2) the "Vintage" market , ul. Pirogova, 47 - This market is no particular favor of the inhabitants, but not to say about it at least a few words I just can't - it is located very close to the center. Some buyers complain about substantial overestimation of prices and non-compliance with sanitary rules in the meat department. I attend this market rarely, so judging it hard for me.

However, I can say with confidence that the product range is amazing here. There is already a matter of personal addiction, to buy in this place or not - the choice of each individual person.

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3) Municipal Market - Located near the train station. There are about 2,500 trading places, in the presence of huge areas of clothing, shoes and other similar goods. Here you can buy relatively inexpensive things. The price of the market is uniquely below the cost of similar goods in the city stores.

4) the market "Primilar" , ul. Privinal, 1A - how much I remember this market here always crowds people. It is here that they love to heal, lovers to search for an indefinite period of time the minimum cost of a unit of goods. In order to buy the necessary things you need to be patient and persistence, however, the result will delight you - here the cheapest prices for everything. The wholesale trade warehouse is also located, which significantly increases the likelihood of freshness and quality of products.

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These are the main markets of the city, which are conveniently located for shopping. There are some more, however, I hope you will have enough of this information to commit successful purchases.

The shops

I also want to tell about the most colorful stores of the city, perhaps you will not make purchases in them, but you can also look like a task.

1) "House of Music" , ul. Pirogova, 110 is a real paradise for music lovers. There is such an impression when visiting this store, that it is here that all, famous for humanity, types of musical instruments live here. Here the largest range of goods in the city is assembled here, there is a possibility of wholesale purchases and acquisitions in a sprouting, free shipping, you can also consult about the desired thing with a professional.

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2) Sports store "Sequoia" , ul. Kiev, 16 - This store is significant in that all products are produced directly in Vinnitsa, starting since 1995. The founder of the company is a former footballer, which makes production closely related to the needs of consumers. So to speak, the knowledge of all problems of the supply of athletes with the necessary accessories, experience and communication in the sports environment has become a good foundation for building a successful business. In stock There are sportswear, inventory, accessories, leisure goods, simulators.

3) Roshen brand store , ul. Cathedral, 22 - Since the factory is functioning in the city, there are several such stores. However, this particular, despite the relatively small area, has an amazing design. Especially here you like children, because in each showcase there is a real doll performance. Even adults slow down a step in order to consider everything that is happening in detail. Even if you do not buy anything in the store, the spectacle is worth going here.

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Good luck shopping, polite sellers and good mood in Vinnitsa!

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