Bratislava - Eastern Europe as it is


In Bratislava, we were passing. Resting first in Budapest, and then moved to Vienna. We simply could not come along the way to the glorious capital of young Slovakia. The train from Budapest goes here a little more than three hours. Comfortable and inexpensive. And from Bratislava to Vienna generally hand to file.

Acquaintance with one of the cities of once a single Czechoslovakia, who after her decay acquired independent metropolitan functions, we started from the city's main railway station.

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Coming out of it, it was possible to take a bus and get to the historic part of the city, but we preferred a walking half-hour walk around the city. Thanks to which we got the opportunity to get acquainted with his unique architecture. Modern buildings here are surprisingly harmoniously combined with ancient wooden houses.

In the center of Old Bratislava, as in most European capitals, the main attraction is a pedestrian street with many souvenir benches and cafes. I recommend buying souvenirs at the very beginning of the street. As the experience showed, the prices are here below, the farther along the route.

By the way, walking in Bratislava, pay attention to how the townspeople express their dissatisfaction with the policies of the city authorities on road signs.

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Although, as it turned out, "Pozor" means "attention" or "be careful".

If you have a sufficient number of time we have the meaning to climb the top of the mountain, where, towering over the city, the Bratislava Grad is located. In the evening, this castle is highlighted by spotlights so that it is seen from any area of ​​the city.

In the general capital of Slovakia left quite a pleasant impression and is quite worthy of continuing his acquaintance with the city next time.

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