Rest in Lisbon: where to eat and how much does it cost?


With a small amount of money in the pockets in Lisbon, it is quite good to have dinner and dinner. Here are some tips on where and how to eat and pay for it quite a little. "Do not be an egoist, share food!" - It is a slogan restaurant "A Petiscaria Ideal" (Rua da Esperança 100), where you need to eat every little and is not one dish alone.

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This is a typical Spanish tapas bar, here you can order a dish, but be prepared to share it with everyone. Portuguese dishes are very appetizing and tasty- try apple Sangria (costs about € 15). And if you want to save money, try stewed octopus (€ 8.90) with sweet potatoes from Alzaur (city in Algarve). Add to this salad with goat cheese, pear and walnuts (for € 8.90), a bottle of water (€ 1.60) or double espresso (€ 1.60). It is not bad to have dinner in the amount of 10 euros per person. You can also try Bifana de Secretos (for € 8.90) - such as pork steak. The restaurant is decorated very beautiful, with dishes on the shelves and comfortable tables. By the way, instead of napkins you will use a kitchen towel, and cups and saucers may not approach each other. But this is all no matter, because the kitchen is amazing and budget.

"Adega Dantas" (RUA MARECHAL SALDANHA 15) - a typical Portuguese restaurant with traditional Portuguese food and wines.

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A simple interior, with wooden tables and chairs and stone arches resembles a wine cellar. But here quite cozy. Order Polvo à Lagareiro - octopus cooked in the oven with potatoes and a large amount of garlic and olive oil (for € 9.50), soft drink (€ 1.50) and coffee (€ 0.70). Almost all the main Portuguese dishes are here in the area of ​​€ 11. You can also ask Dantas Stake (for € 8.50), the main dish of this restaurant. Keep in mind that everything in the restaurant is very tasty, with spices, sharply!

"Casanova" (Avenida Infante Dom Henrique Loja 7) is known in Lisbon as the best pizzeria in the city (after all, they are preparing a real pizza here with Italian variety).

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Keep in mind that the restaurant is often crowded, and it is impossible to book tables, so you have to arrive here sooner or have to wait a table. If you want to try a special dish - Casanova pizza (€ 11.50), a bottle of water (€ 1.00) and coffee (€ 1.25). Diavola Pizza (for € 9.50) will also be a good choice, to this you can order homemade ice tea (€ 1.50). Long tables in the fresh air on the bank of the Tahoe river, and inside -e-item ceilings, low chandeliers and round mirrors on the walls - all the environment and the atmosphere only heats the appetite. You can also try the Salad Caprese here (€ 7.50), if you think that you do not master the whole pizza. For children or on dessert, you can order a pizza with a distilled hazelnut - Pizza of the Nutola (€ 4.50).

As an option - restaurant "A Valenciana" (RUA MARQUêS DE FRONTEIRA 157). It is famous for its delicious fried food and grilled dishes - this is a brand "A Valenciana".

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For more than 40-year-old existence, this cute restaurant with a portuguese stove on the walls, traditional wooden chairs and white tablecloths is the perfect place for dinner. Try here the famous grill chicken (for € 6.75) or other Portuguese traditional dishes. For example, you can order calf ribs on grills (€ 12.50), soft drinks (€ 1.75) and coffee (€ 0.75). But if you want something even cheaper, try bacalhau à braz (€ 7.50) - cod with finely chopped fried potatoes, mixed with eggs, olives and parsley. Great place for a large company.

Go and B. "MEZZOGIORNO PIZZERIA" (Rua Garrett 19) - Fresh dishes of Italian cuisine - pizza, salads, brush and paste - you can find here.

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To begin with, order the cheese of the burract with eggplants and tomatoes (€ 11.50 for two). On the main dish - Pizza of Marinar with tomatoes, garlic and oregano (€ 7.00). A non-alcoholic drink is here from € 1.70, and Italian coffee - € 1.10. Want to try the taste of southern Italy, order Bufalina pizza with traditional mozzarella from buffalin milk (€ 10.00). Intermezzo Cocktail Bar is located next to this pizzeria - another inexpensive restaurant serving basic Italian dishes and snacks.

If you are not against noisy fun restaurants, then make your choice in favor "PRINCIPE DO CALHARIZ" (Calçada do Combro 28).

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The big hall is always full of visitors who speak loudly, laugh and dance. Here you can try, for example, roast cod with onions, hot olive oil, garlic, coriander and olives (for € 12). You can choose rice with seafood (for 8.50 euros). Non-alcoholic beverages are from € 1,20, coffee from € 0.80. Simple and unpretentious, restaurant and place where you can start your evening with good, cheap food to continue the night in the Bairro Alto area.

If you are an indian cuisine, you must go to a restaurant "Calcuta" , Bairro Alto (at Rua Do Norte 19).

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Dishes of Northern India and Goa based on four basic ingredients - lamb, chicken, shrimp and vegetables, are amazing. Try the dish of Tikka Masala with chicken (for € 9.50) or shrimp with coconut sauce (€ 9.50). If you add to one of these dishes Rice Basmati (for € 2.00) and a bottle of water (€ 1.50) or coffee (€ 1.75), you can cheap, satisfying and very tasty dinner!

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With the flavors of traditional Indian cuisine, filling in the air and interesting design of the restaurant (a mixture of Portuguese and Indian culture) is an ideal place for dinner with the whole family or a large company of friends. Start your evening on one of the main streets of the city, Bairro Alto, in this sweet cafe.

Here are some more inexpensive restaurants: "Lamosa" (RUA Salitre 184, near the Rato Metro Station), "Churrasco Da Graça" (Largo Da Graça 43), "CERVEJARIA BARCABELA" (Rua Palma 285, near Martim Moniz), "Jaguar" (Avenida Conde Valbom 87), "Bonjardim" (Travessa de Santo Antão 11, take a table on top, with locals), Esquina Da Fé (Rua Da Fé 60, in an area known as San Jose, São José). By the way, in the area of ​​São José there are a lot of small and enough budget restaurants, it is only worth searching. You can also go to "A Granja Velha" (Rua Douradores 200) is a good room for lunch during the week or Saturday. The place simply adore the locals, and therefore it is a good sign.

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