What excursions worth visiting in Reggio di Calabria?


In the ancient city of Reggio di Calabria, many historical and architectural attractions were lost in time. But in the surrounding area is also at all less interesting places, which should also be visited. Many places can be visited by yourself, walking on wonderful and very beautiful places per feature of the city.

To date, Reggio-Di-Calabria is a very popular resort, so that excursions and entertainment are very popular here, many travel agencies offer excursions with Russian-speaking guides.

If you buy a tour of the tour operator, then the excursions can be bought right there, so it turns out the "All Inclusive" package. If you are traveling by traveling around the country, you can buy excursions directly in the city, or in advance to order a private guide via the Internet. The various private services of guides and guides are quite popular, they already have their own private program and diverse diverse tours. We will not give sites, so as not to create an advertisement :), but in the search engine you can safely find a couple of sites with proven reliable guides, you can call and agree, with many of them offer even their transport. Prices are also on any pocket, in any case, you can always agree.

And so, from what is worth looking outside the city is:

1. Excursion to Pizzo. Pizzo Calabro is a wonderful and very picturesque fishing village, here are the castle of Joachim Murata and the Church of Pitigrott, which is located right on the sheer cliff over the sea. Entrance to the castle for adults costs 2.5 euros. In this castle, the Joachim Murata was kept in imprisonment - a relative of Napoleon - and then he was executed by Bourbons. The Church of Piedigrott built sailors in the 17th century, Napoleon's minions, in gratitude to the Virgin Mary for the salvation of their lives.

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2. Excursion to Shill. Silla is a small town 20 kilometers from Reggio di Calabria. Above the small bay with a picturesque beach is the castle of Ruffo - this is for those who love architectures and history.

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For lovers to take off, dance and tear away here there is a beach with discos, bars and nightclubs Marina di Silla. And not far from the town there is a small fishing village of Chianala, in which you can try amazing local seafood dishes. By the way, there is a fish-sword meat, a sacrificial symbol of Schill. In principle, in Silla, you can and independently get to the train from Reggio di Calabria, only sometimes it is better to travel with a person who knows the place to not miss anything interesting.

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3. Excursion to the island eols. During the excursion, you will be offered to visit the Strombol's Volcano Island - this is the acting volcano, the island is the frozen andesitic and substantive and basalt lava. Next, you will go to the island of Panarea, which is the smallest of the entire group of the islands, there is a village on it, which was allegedly built in 13-14 centuries to our era. The village consists of 23 round and one square hut. Further, tourists go to Lipari Island, there is a museum with exhibits of 3-4 millennia of our era. Picturesque rocks from Pumice and Basalt create just indescribable landscapes. And the last tourists visit the island of the volcano, on which EOL himself lived on the legend - the god of the winds. Up to 19th century, the volcano on the island was acting, now gas is simply income from the faults under water, so it seems that marine water just boils. Probably, this is the brightest and memorable excursion throughout the trip, landscapes, volcanoes and nature are remembered for life.

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