What should you expect from rest in Elunda?


Elunda is considered to be the most prestigious and most fashionable resort of Crete. In Elunda, there is no such thing as a budgetary recreation, since all hotels that are located at this resort have at least five stars. Describe Eluunds, you can in one word - romance. This resort is not better, suitable for couples in love or for lonely hearts that hope to meet their dearey, the second half.

What should you expect from rest in Elunda? 8026_1

All offered entertainment are concentrated in hotels. Perhaps you will surprise and the fact that on Elunda there is no specially designated zone with familiar entertainment for children. Absolutely all resort beaches are protected from waves and winds. For this reason, there is never a storm weather. All this makes Elong, very attractive to relax with the kids, but it is worth considering that almost all the beaches are quite compact in size sometimes with pebbles, and not very convenient input into water. By purchasing a trip to Elong, be sure to ask the characteristics of the beach, especially if you plan to take with you your carappow.

What should you expect from rest in Elunda? 8026_2

For those who are planning to rest in a proud loneliness, Elunda does not represent any danger, especially for girls. Who knows, perhaps you are, meeting the love of your life in Elunda ...

What should you expect from rest in Elunda? 8026_3

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