Best time to relax in Bergamo


Bergamo is located in the north of Italy in the Lombardy region. The city is located at the foot of the Alps, in the valley of the software river. More precisely, the old part of the city is located on a hill with a height of 380 metro above sea level, and this hill is already considered the beginning of the Alps. The new city lies at the foot of the neighboring lower hills.

Since Bergamo is located in the subalpine zone, the local climate is sufficiently soft here, the continental - winter cool, foggy and rainy, and in the summer there is warm, clear and dry. In the spring and autumn, there is also quite rainy and overcast here, probably, thanks to this, agriculture is well developed in the region.

If we talk about travel, then of course it is easier and most convenient to inspect the surroundings in the warm season. So, for example, in the summer of the warmest summer months, July and August are traditionally considered, the temperature rises to 28-30 degrees. In May-June, it is still not so hot, the temperature ranges between 22-25 degrees, but in May may be rain, so it's best to travel in June. In September, too, the heat appears, but there is a high probability to get under the rain.

The most "wet months" is considered October and November, the weather and surroundings become gray, dull and twished. But in the winter there is no better. Although the temperature does not fall below +3, but the sky is almost always gray and cloudy, the air raw and nat is very often hanging a thick fog. Due to the dampness on the streets, it is quite frozo, the cold pierces to the bones. Not the most pleasant weather for walking, the city begins to resemble the gloomy Middle Ages. Of course, sometimes there are sunny days, but mostly in the city everything is very gray and damp. The fog can pretrate your photos and impressions.

Here are such pictures and impressions you can bring from Bergamo at the end of November-early December.

Best time to relax in Bergamo 8022_1

Best time to relax in Bergamo 8022_2

Best time to relax in Bergamo 8022_3

Best time to relax in Bergamo 8022_4

During your stay in the city (4 days), only one day was almost sunny, everything else was enough thick fog and fine rain. The trees were rather like gloomy guards, at home - for sullen keels, and landscapes were hung under the thick layer of fog.

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