Ancient fortress on the shores of the Dead Sea


If you choose to rest in Israel, I essentially recommend visiting the Masada Fortress, which is located near the Israeli city of Arad in the Judea Desert.

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There is a fortress on a rock height of 450 meters and is surrounded from all sides with sheer cliffs. This circumstance makes it almost imperceptible from sushi. Only from the sea to the fortress is a very winding and narrow trail, it is also called "snake" (but you can get along the cable car). The form of the territory on which the Masada Fortress is located, most likely resembles a trapezium. This is a flat plateau having a size of 600x300 meters, and it is surrounded by a very strong wall.

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They built her Hasmonia approximately between 37 and 31 years before our era. Somewhat later - already in 25, she was strengthened by the orders of King Herod of the Great, who redid her under the shelter for his family. A unique system of artificial water supply was created on the territory of the fortress, a large number of food and weapons were kept. Spacious baths in their style and structure very much resembled Roman. The remains of the fortress were first discovered in 1862.

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To date, the Masada fortress is well preserved: Herod's Palace with jewelry in the form of mosaic fragments, a synagogue, chopped in the rocks of water tanks, baths, weapons warehouses and various storage facilities. The fortress is included in the UNESCO World Heritage List, it is considered one of the main Israeli attractions.

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