Sevastopol - City of Military Glory


In Sevastopol, you can come on an excursion for one day from the capital of the Crimea of ​​the city of Simferopol. Bus service is established. Movement interval (in the summer season) - once in half an hour. Time on the way is about three hours. The bus station is located next to the railway station. From here, all excursion routes around the city begins. You can sit on the city bus and after 10 minutes it is already in the central historical part of the city - on the embankment. Or go on foot in a slide and on the way to enjoy the amazing panorama of the Sevastopol bay.

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Passing by Schimov's Square, pay attention to the monument to the famous Admiral, the hero of the defense of Sevastopol. This is one of the symbols of the city associated with his heroic past.

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Soon you will fall on the county marina, built in the 18th century and reminding the city's sea spirit. On the urban embankment, pay attention to the monument to flooded ships, which rises straight from the water a few meters from the coast.

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Another object that is necessary to visit is a Sevastopol Defense Memorial. This monument reminds of those events that unfolded here in the period of the Great Patriotic War and about the heroic feat that the city defenders committed.

There are several souvenir shops on the urban embankment, but do not rush to shopping. First, refer to the price, which may vary on the same products at different outlets.

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