Best time to relax on Corsica


Interest in Corsica is growing every day, in principle, as well as common knowledge about it. Attend the island of Corsica, mostly sophisticated tourists, for whom template excursion programs no longer represent any interest. Although Corsica is located in France, they do not live on this island at all, and Corsicans with their customs and traditions.

Best time to relax on Corsica 7969_1

In order to make your vacation at Corsica comfortable and have time to inspect and visit all the sights, it is best to move by car. Vehicle can be rented even before the start of the trip. All beauty and charming riddles of the nature of Corsica are difficult to convey words, as it just needs to be seen. For ten or eleven days of traveling by car, it is quite possible to admire all the charms of this mainland in miniature.

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Officially, the season for sunburn and bathing, on Corsica begins with July, but it is only for local aborigines. The air temperature in July on average reaches twenty seven degrees with a plus sign, during the daytime, and the night lowers not lower than fifteen degrees with a positive value. Water is heated to twenty-four degrees, while in May, the water temperature is only seventeen degrees. Many tourists, most of them are Russians, begin the bathing season in May month. If you consider Corsica as a resort for a trip to rest with the defone, it is certainly best to plan your trip to July or August a month.

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