The most interesting places in Luang Prabang.


Luang Prabang previously served as the capital of Laos. Now this is a cute city with a cozy French architecture on Lao Manner. And he is rightfully considered a pearl country. Almost everything in the city is focused on tourists who come here more often than in the current capital of the state. They are attracted to the relaxing exotic atmosphere of Luang Prabang and the opportunity to visit not only Buddhist temples and monasteries, but also picturesque waterfalls and caves in the vicinity of the city.

The main attraction of Luang Prabang is the city itself with its central Sisavangwong Street And small streets, for which you can walk all day. From time to time you can stay on the snack in numerous cafes or in order to make photos of unusual landscapes or the Mekong River.

Phisi (Phousi)

As it usually happens, the center of the tourist life Luang Prabang is the old town. It is here that the sacred hill of Phusi is towers. It offers a beautiful view of the city, but best to visit this place before sunset. Such a charming spectacle should not be skidding. Not only tourists come to the sunset with Phusi, but also residents of the city.

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In order to get to the top of the hill, it is necessary to overcome 328 steps and pay 17,000 kip per ticket. At the top, the Buddhist Chom Si Temple and the Cave, in which the Buddha allegedly also exists. You can go down with Phusi on the back of the slope, thus falling into another part of the city.

Royal Palace (Royal Palace Museum)

Opposite the Royal Palace is located opposite the Hill. His building after the burning was rebuilt with the French. Now there is a National Museum of Laos. The collection of the museum includes works of art of the Kingdom of Lang San. However, a copy of the small statue of Buddha Prabang is considered the most valuable exhibit. It is in honor of her the city named. The original of the Holy Buddhist relic was kept in the city to those time until Luang Prabang was the capital of the country. After which the statue was transported. While visiting the museum is worth paying attention to the Royal Reception. The walls of the room decorate the original frescoes with the image of the life of the Lao residents, and the royal throne occupies the central place in the hall.

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You can visit the museum on all days except Tuesday from 8:00 to 16:00. Break in the museum from 11:30 to 13:30. A ticket for adults to a visit to the museum costs 30,000 kips. Children under 10 years old inspect the exposition for free.

Temple Wat Sieney Thong (Wat Xieng Thong)

On the central street of the city of Sisavangwong, the most beautiful temple was located. Its main pagoda is decorated with gold-plated threads, and the walls are decorated with a mosaic of gold and stained glass. This place is called the city of Golden Temples.

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On its territory you can see the Red Chapel, which is the sanctuary of the lying Buddha or Gautama. For inspection of the temple, it will be necessary to pay 20,000 kips. It is open this place from 6:00 to 18:00.

Among the numerous temples of the city, another one is allocated - Temple Wat Sensoukarahm. . His richly decorated facade attracts travelers. However, the popularity of the church brought not an unusual architectural style, but a ceremony of donation to the monks of food. It passes in front of the temple walls at 6 am under the bell ringing. Everyone is allowed to take part in it and photograph. Sacrifice vegetables and fruit monks can only stand on the knees. It is believed that the karma sacrifices is so cleared.

Buddha Caves (Pak OU)

From the Northern side at a distance of 25 km from Luang Prabang there are sacred Buddha caves. They consist of two tiers, which are the efforts of the Lao residents are forced by the Buddha figures. Inspect the top tier Tham Phum can only be lantern. In the lower tier Tham Ting, in addition to multi-age statuettes, there are places for prayers.

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You can get to the caves by boat or on Tuk-Tuka (so faster). For visitors, the cave is open from 8:00 to 17:00 daily. For the inspection of this sacred place, you will have to pay 20,000 kips.

Tat Kuang Si Park (Tat Kuang Si)

In the vicinity of Luang Prabang, about 30km from the city center, there is a large Cuang Si National Park. Its significant part of the waterfall TAT SI. But these are not limited to the natural beauty of the park. You will be able to stroll through a narrow path among the forest and admire the few natural pools and cascades of waterfalls. On the territory of the park there is a center for salvation of the Himalayan black bears. It fenced in such a way that tourists can see satisfied bears, resting in hammocks or under sheds. Moving on, tourists will notice the first cascading waterfalls. Despite the small size, they surprise all turquoise water. Such an unusual shade gives it a calcium carbonate flock, which is combined with carbon dioxide from the soil. You can use the opportunity and swim in one of the pools of a small waterfall.

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Locals assure that the water Tat Quang Si increases male strength. Further from the observation bridge can be admired to the highest waterfall of the park. The flow of turquoise water is collapsed from a height of 54 meters. This is a beautiful sight.

In the park you can spend a whole day. All conditions have been created for this: a cafe, picnic spaces, secluded arbors. If you are limited in time, even two hours spent in Cuang C will allow you to recharge your energy and get emotional satisfaction. You can get to the park on a minibase from the central street of Luang Prabang or Tuk Tuka. Expensive will take about 30 minutes. The entrance ticket costs 30,000 kips, but I walk through the park, you will understand that money is not spent in vain. Works park from 8:00 to 17:30.

Waterfall Tad Sae (Tad Sae Falls)

A little closer to the city (15 km away) is a small, but picturesque waterfall. You can get to it only on the boat. However, the extreme trip is worth it. You will face an unusual sight: a cascade waterfall that flows right through the forest. In his pool, you can swim on your own or on the back of an elephant.

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Water is quite transparent and has a nice blue color. Attending this place is better from August to November, when the waterfall is full-flowered and its water implies all of the growing trees. The entrance to the waterfall is only on tickets that cost 20,000 instrumentation.

Luang Prabang will not disappoint you. Having visited one city, you can enjoy both the creations of the hands of human and the masterpieces of nature. And the most unusual will be that acquaintance with Asian culture will be held in the city, reminiscent of the European province.

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