The most interesting places in Savon.


Savona is not just a large port of Liguria, located on the shores of the Mediterranean Sea, but also a significant historical and cultural center of the region, which has retained a significant number of monuments indicating his richest heritage.

Arriving still in the Bronze Age, the settlement of Savo survived a lot in his century. Even at the turn of the old and new Er, the city fought with the Romans, defending his independence, fought with the genuine for the right to be called the largest port of the region. In the Middle Ages, he also turned out to be in the center of armed conflicts, being destroyed by Langobards in the 7th century, incrementally competing with all the same genuine for his power, finding out in decline after another conflict and restoring again. The city really showed amazing resistance and still keeps the memories on his land about his troubled, but the heroic past.

The real pride of the citizens and the peculiar symbol of Savon is Fortress Priamar (Fortezza del Priamar), built by Genoese in the 16th century to protect the city from the sea.

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Two centuries later, she was rebuilt and strengthened even more. With time, with time, its defensive value, the fortress was soon rebuilt and turned into prison, in the walls of which the fighters for the union of the country were languished across the entire Italy. The most famous of the prisoners of this prison is considered to be Juseppe Mazzini, thrown into the dungeon for their active resistance in 1831.

Nowadays, you can not only stroll through the territory of the fortress, but also visit the same place Archaeological Museum or Art gallery . The tired travelers will help to reconcile the platform for recreation and a cozy restaurant.

The history of great geographical discoveries is connected with the city. After all, according to historians, the famous primary discoverer of America - Christopher Columbus - Rose exactly here, as evidenced by the preserved in the town of Valcada (Savona, Valcada, Via Belvedere 7), the house of the father of the legendary traveler and many urban legends. It is believed that in Walcade, Columbus lived for about 15 years, which can be read by a significant period in order to honor this place.

With travel and discoveries, another symbol of the city is connected. Tower Leon Pankaldo (Torre Leon Pancaldo), towering on the Square of the same name and dedicated to the legendary navigator Magellane and his assistant, who prompted the commander how to hit Cape Horn.

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Of course, from the moment of its construction, that is, from the end of the 14th century, the tower has undergone a lot of changes and reconstructions, nevertheless, now this magnificent twenty-meter construction is causing admiring views. On the top tier tower there is an observation deck, allowing tourists to count the city from a bird's eye view. It was ate to turn your attention to the wall of the building, looking at the sea, you can see the unique statue of the Mother of God, created in 1662 by the student of Jana Lorenzo Bernini - Filippo Parodi.

Getting acquainted with the city, in no case should you bypass his side Cathedral and the tomb adjacent to him - Savonskaya Sicstinskaya Capella . It was built back in the 15th century by order of the Roman Pope Sicsta IV, a native of the region, and still keeps the buried remains of his parents who belonged to the noctive genus Della Rover. As for the cathedral itself, he was erected in the 17th century, and was subjected to some changes at the end of the 19th century (the facade in the style of Neurokko was rebuilt).

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The main attractions of this place are the font of the 6th century and the marble crucifix has been preserved from the 15th century. In addition, an indelible impression on the paintings of the walls, made by the masters of the Roman and Genoese school, and attracting numerous pilgrims of the relics of Bishop Octavian, who was at the head of the diocese of Savon from 1119 to 1128. If the time allows, be sure to look into Museum-Treasury , open with the cathedral and providing the opportunity to see its visitors to see a very valuable collection of sacred objects and art objects.

Walking along the Central Street of the Old Town - Via Paleocapa - it is impossible not to pay attention to the ancient buildings that give her a special color. If you turn to the square called Piazza Sisto IV from it, you can see the modern sights of Savona - city administration of the city and skating rink, appearing there, naturally, in the winter.

Another significant attractions include the Street of Old Savona, Via S. Maria Maggiore, originating from the aforementioned area. In its surroundings you can find the palace Palazzo Gavotti With the city Pinoakotek (Piazza Chabrol 5) and built in the 19th century Palace of bishop , as well as consider many interesting and very unusual antique buildings. But when Via Pia, it is necessary to see another pride of local residents - Tower Brandale (Torre Del Brandale), built by medieval masters somewhere in the 12th century.

And of course it is impossible to imagine a complete acquaintance with the city without a leisurely promenade along the Savon embankment and at least half an eye in view of its port.

Thus, Savona, although it is not the key tourist resort of Italy, it represents a truly attractive place not only for recreation, but also for exploring the cultural and historical sights of the region.

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