Holidays in Goa: What do you need to know?


Holidays in Goa is becoming increasingly popular among Russian-speaking tourists. New charters appear, which is the best for tourists the side affects the cost of air travel. To visit Goa is the homeland of Hippie, the land of endless beautiful beaches, freedom of spirit and morals, are dreaming more and more people.

Holidays in Goa: What do you need to know? 7907_1

What features of the resort and mentality of local residents should be taken into account so that rest in Goa leave only pleasant positive memories?

First of all, you need to correctly perceive the behavior of local residents, which can sometimes seem, to put it mildly, unusual. You need to be prepared for the joyful "Hallo", which will sound from everywhere and almost always. Children add to this greeting to this also supporting you - unusual white people - a couple of meters with requests to take pictures and other, more material options. To respond to all this, you need calmly and goodly, and all requests are enough to answer just a smile. Hindus open and friendly, friendly and good attitude respond to the same, but reinforced several times, the aggression, negative and rudeness react very badly and can answer the same.

Holidays in Goa: What do you need to know? 7907_2

Most of the Goa population speaks English fluently. English is a mandatory subject in schools, and it is obvious that the subject is taught well, so children over eight years old who go to school are usually freely expressing in English. Of course, hotel staff, cafes, restaurants speak English. But even if you have worse with the English language than Indian schoolchildren, it does not matter. In Goa, the locals are already talking in Russian, especially merchants who will sink you with compliments like "Beauty unearthly". Most cafes and restaurants offer menus in Russian, and massage salons and travel agencies - Russian-speaking description of services. Goa's posts and bulletin boards are trying to texts about renting houses, rolls of scooters and driving, haircuts, manicure and other resort services. In what language? Of course, on your native, and native not for the Hindus.

About communication in the homeland in Goa is also not worth worrying, most cafes are offered to use free Wi Fi, each village has an Internet cafe. If the Internet is needed constantly, you can use the telephone internet, but its quality is very low. Alternative - the acquisition of three Ji Modema, the cost of it is about thirty dollars. Callible home is the most profitable, using the local connection, for example, the most popular companies in India, as Idea and Vodafon, a minute of conversation with Russia will cost only four Indian rupees (1 dollar = 60 rupees), it is much cheaper, How to use roaming service or tourist packages like "Travel Sim" or "Goodline".

Indian men can have increased attention to Slavic beauties, especially if they are more divided than dressed. As a rule, it is the character of a joking harmless flirt. If the girls take the signs of attention, and, especially, give hope for the continuation of the relationship, then in this case you should be ready for perseverance, by which few of the domestic men are capable of. If the girl left the Indian Macho number of his phone, she may not doubt that from now on he will call and take romantic SMS constantly, at any time of the day and night.

The crime rate in Goa is not high, but it is still necessary to look after your things. It is extremely rare, but still theft of property from hotels and houses happens, so valuable things still need to store in a safe. As for attacks on tourists, this can happen somewhere in the remote corners of India, but in Goa it is unlikely.

What should fear in Goa? The natural element that can be dangerous for a person.

Holidays in Goa: What do you need to know? 7907_3

It is not recommended to perform distant swims (however, it will not allow watching alert guards on the beach). After the occurrence of darkness, it is impossible to be in the sea, since there is a possibility of lesion by electric skate or other marine inhabitants who are activated at night. It is very desirable to look under your feet, especially if a thick grass and vegetation under your feet, and the evening came. The meeting of man and snake in Goa is very rare, but there are snakes here. What is the most experience of tourists in Goa? From the consequences of driving scooters and bikes, leading to tourists seems very simple, but, unfortunately, practice sometimes proves the opposite. What kind of sin, the sale of light drugs is common in Goa, and the guy with the words "Gashish" will suit you on the beach on the first day of your stay in Goa. If you entered into inventive cash relations, then remember - the laws of India have already violated, with all the consequences that may occur. And in Goa, it is customary to bargain, always and everywhere - this rule of Asian communication is very relevant in the resort. In the process of bargaining prices, it is necessary to reduce 3-5 times, and sometimes more. Goa is traded in the markets, in stores, with policemen on the roads and even with officials.

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