Uppsala - the ancient capital of Sweden


In the ancient Swedish capital, the city of Uppsala, we decided to go with a one-day excursion, being on vacation in Stockholm. The train ticket cost us about 7 euros, they are sent almost every hour from the city's central station. Time on the way is less than an hour.

The city is divided into two parts - a new and old Uppsala. In the new - the architecture is standard for any Scandinavian city. There is a central shopping street with several shops of fashionable brands of clothing and a couple of small cafes. Special conditions for mass tourism here is clearly no.

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In the oldest Upp, there are several key to inspect the objects. And, above all, it is a cathedral that was built in the 13th century. By the way, this cathedral is considered the highest in the whole Scandinavia - about 120 meters.

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It is worth viewing the modest decoration inside and if you wish to buy souvenirs in a small souvenir shop. By the way, it is very difficult with souvenirs in the Upp. Like entertainment for tourists, there are practically no. In addition to this shop, with the cathedral, we did not find a single souvenir shop in the city.

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