Car rental in Indonesia: What do you need to know?


Indonesia, one of the small list of countries where it is not worth taking a car for rental. This is a country consisting of islands, between which is better, more convenient and very cheap to move on airplanes. But on the islands themselves, renting a car can deliver you a lot of trouble. There are several reasons for this.

Firstly - very heavy traffic. Still a couple of years ago, the roads were not so clogged, but now traffic jams on large islands are just wild. The streets are very narrow, local drivers practically do not comply with the rules of the road - the advantage of that whose car is larger and harder.

Secondly - quality of roads. Inside the cities, the road surface is quite good, but it is worth going outside the city, how this hell begins.

Car rental in Indonesia: What do you need to know? 7891_1

Roads are terrible, on some you can drive only on the tractor, there is no rooks - instead of them the sewage, please in which there will be no difficulty in turning. Add cool serpentines to this, the prickness of local traffic police and you will have a complete picture. You can, as an option, to rent a scooter - a favorite Asian vehicle, because of its maneuverability and small sizes, but the problems will experience the same as on the car, plus more insecurity, in contrast to the car.

For these reasons, almost all tourists prefer to move on a taxi or rent a car with a driver - both, and the other is suspicious. The driver and takes you to where necessary, and wait, and will protect things that it is important for disadvantaged Indonesia.

If all the same, the solution to take a car for rental is strong and nothing to scare you, then here are the necessary recommendations, rules and local features.

Movement in Indonesia left-sided. Often, the streets with one-sided movement in some hours or days are changing on bilateral, with pointers of trouble - their very little and often they are contradictory, so the navigator is desirable.

Choosing a car

Many rolling offices. Both famous international and local private. To the selection of the brand you need to approach very responsible, especially if you plan to learn. If you feel not too confident behind the wheel, take the automatic box - this will allow you to fully focus on the move. It is advisable to choose a small car, it will be convenient to move, park and unfold on narrow roads. Optimal car brand - Suzuki Jimny.

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This kid will drive you in bad roads, and will take it on the mountainous hills, and will not get stuck on the beach. Be sure to trample! Jimny Rental will cost about 6,000 rubles per month. Do not forget to inspect the car for visible damage. If so are there, pay attention to this by the owner and (if desired) take a picture.


International rights to have necessarily! With a lease of them, no one will ask you, but not to have these rights - it means to feed the local police officers. These are their main earnings. Stop you will be periodically. The only document is a photocopy of the passport, payment, registration of insurance and now you are already the owner of your car.

Helpful information

Gasoline in Indonesia is cheap - about 15 rubles per liter. There are many refills, there are no problems with them. In some gas stations, there are devices for tire swap. Tankers - guys are excellent, love to talk for life, so looking at the refueling counter, so ... just in case.

It is necessary to fasten! High-speed mode in the city of 40 km / h; On the highway - 70 km / h, but rarely go to such a speed. Be careful and neat! Do not forget the rule: not sure - do not overtake! The driver's age should be above 21 years, but in practice you can rent and scooter, and auto even if you are 18 years old.

Asian attitude to life, postponing a comfacing on a ride manner. In many Islands of Indonesia, universal fun, alcohol and various drugs are accepted in excess. There are a lot of young people, which is completely trough chasing on scooters and mopeds. Think several times before taking a car for rent in Indonesia. Weigh all "for" and "against". Do you need this experience? Well, if, the car has already been rented and driving on it a few kilometers, you will feel that it is not yours - do not rape yourself, do not tolerate a terrible traffic, squeezing my teeth. Remember that you are on vacation!

Car rental in Indonesia: What do you need to know? 7891_3

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