Shopping in Kathmandu: Tips and recommendations


Kathmandu for Shopaholikov is a real paradise. Here you can buy both very cheap handmade things and decent jewelry, original souvenirs. Shopping in Nepal has its own characteristics that you need to know the traveler who wants to make not only new impressions, but also new material values. So, what should be purchased in Kathmandu and what are the rules of Nepalese shopping?

Buying clothes

Almost all the streets of Kathmandu, leading to Durbar Square, are littered with shops, tents and just lonely standing with their products in the hands of sellers. The main part of the products is clothes that sews the seller himself or members of his family here. In one evening (according to my observations from the hotel's balcony), one master can be made from ten to fifteen units of goods, which, of course, does not always best affect his quality. Nevertheless, Nepalese jackets, bags, skirts and sundresses, made in the traditional Tibetan style, look very unusual and stylish and may well get out for the designer thing in our homeland. When buying, it is necessary to very carefully check the quality of things, since small and large flaws may be present with a very large probability. The first price, which the buyer will announce will be ten times, and sometimes more, the cost of things for which the seller is ready to part with it. The farther from the tourist area, Tamall is located the place of trade, the more active can be traded and the seller will be agreed. Proper communication tactics with Nepalese sellers - imitation of disinterest. If you are going to leave without buying, the seller can continue the bargaining already catching you. The cost of such a plan of clothing "Hand make" is from two to five dollars per unit, the exception may be perhaps the cost of the jacket, but still it should not exceed ten dollars.

Shopping in Kathmandu: Tips and recommendations 7847_1

In Kathmandu, in specialized stores, which are found at every step, you can buy very good quality sportswear, which is intended for tracks (mountain aspirations in Himalayas). This quality of clothing and shoes in domestic sports stores will cost many times, and even ten times more expensive.

On the central streets of Kathmandu, which begin with the Royal Palace, there are many boutiques of both world-famous brands and few people, but very popular in Nepal, Chinese firms. Summer is the traditional time to sell, and if the quality of the Nepalese "Hand Make" does not suit you, then this is a great opportunity to buy truly good things at very good prices.

Precious Stones and Jewelry

However, not clothes are famous for Nepal, but with its precious stones and jewelry. If you have a weakness to this industry, then reserve either a round sum for shopping, or patience and humility to avoid it, what will be very difficult. Unfortunately, deceptions and fraud are not uncommon for Nepal, so to acquire truly precious stones, not a fake, purchase must be made in a solid jewelry store, with the obligatory provision of a passport-guarantee for goods and a check. In Kathmandu, you can buy incredible beauty, shapes and sizes of sapphires, gems, topaz, amethysts, rubies, turquoise and, of course, diamonds (where without these "best friends of girls").

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Stones are sold to the outstanding and untreated, you need to decide how in the future you will use them.

Nepalese jewelry looks for truly unique and exclusive. They performed in the unique ethnic Tibetan or Nepalese national style, there are no analogues of these products in the world.

Technique and souvenirs

Since Nepal borders with China, then, of course, the capital of the country is filled with Chinese equipment, phones, cameras and other achievements of the Chinese national economy. If all this interests you, then it will be roaring where.

Shopping in Kathmandu: Tips and recommendations 7847_3

In Kathmandu, you can buy very original and original souvenirs, and it is better not to purchase them in specialized stores, but in the elemental places of trade on the streets - the quality and assortment will be the same, but prices are completely different. Original interior items made of wood, metal, semi-precious stones, various kinds of cannabis products - this will only see in Nepal.

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