The most interesting excursions in Havana.


Excursion: Cuban sorcerers

In the period of conquering a new world, the colonialists who brought to the island in a large number of slaves from Africa - for work on plantations where sugar cane and tobacco were grown - did not allow them to honor their original beliefs. Therefore, slaves mixed the religious views of their ancestors with an exposed Christian faith, thus creating a new secret, unique and strong religion in which Christian saints adjacent to the spirits of the previous gods of the Black Continent. For centuries, for centuries confessed underground, rites of believing slaves at the same time similar to African magical rituals.

Santers in the country are considered "good" and "bright" magicians. Nowadays, they still organize their ceremonies in secret, because the official religion in the state is Christian. Singery began sometime from religious views and rites inherent in the mysterious African tribe of Yoruba. They are based on worship before the dead ancestors and faith in one God - the main thing for the saints.

Centuries to Siders were treated to solve various complex life problems of Africans - such, for example, as financial family affairs, improving the state of health or spiritual stability of a person. During the rites, Santers produce sacrifices and pronounce ancient spells that over the centuries were transferred from one sorcerer to another - for this, special ceremonies were also used. Sacrifice serve plants, seeds or other items.

When Santer sacrifice the animal, then in the process of the rite of fortune telling, he learns about the fate of man. Each of the victims helps to resolve any of the questions - through ORISHA ancestors that require one or more sacrifices to permit this person. The rites of Santers are held in ordinary homes, because there are no temples in this witch religion. Cuban Sancereo is almost a part of the usual life of the follower of this faith, through it there is a connection with supernatural, it is your consultant and a prunerator.

During our excursion:

You will visit the sorcerer-Sanzero, which will consult you

This is the primary rite, here Santero will be, using fortune-up with the help of ancestors, fulfill your requests, and will answer your questions you are interested in, finding the way out of the problem situation. These rituals are the most important and intimate, because they occur only between believers - Babalano, and Orisha - saints. With the help of this rite are determined by those that will be followed, and the whole future road of the believer.

Buy religious objects, plants, fruits and animals to be used in the following rites

After the end of the consultation, all this may be needed to organize other magical procedures and to solve other tasks. Therefore, you will need to buy some such things that will then be used to clean the spirit or scaring evil forces. In addition, you will have to acquire those items that will be made by the Holy Orishas. All this is sold in specialized stores that are usually near the bazaars where other objects for rites will indicate the sorcerer.

Purification of the Spirit and Energy

This magic rite is one of the most frequent in this witch religion. It is carried out every time differently, it depends on the spiritual need of a believer. The ceremony holds a sorcerer together with several Santeras, the processs that you purchased in the bazaar are used in the process, spells are primarily pronounced and mysterious ceremonies.

Other rites

If your problems are complicated, or you led to learn more and get used in this witch belief, then you, of course, will penetrate deeper into the sacraments and the magic of ancient African Cuban rituals, know their old origins.

This excursion is intended to allow tourists to personally immerse themselves into the religious life of the city and take part in the ancient magical ceremonies conducted by local sorcerers. You can take it on faith or not to accept, but during the century, the inhabitants of Africa effectively used the services of Sunters in everyday life.

Such an excursion costs from $ 100 for a single tourist, on time it will take from nine to ten o'clock. The cost includes the work of the Russian-speaking guide. The costs of transportation and purchase of ritual items are not included in the price. Excursion will begin with your hotel in Havana.

Excursion: Nature in Havana

Botanical Garden Jardín Botánico Nacional

This place has created many people for a long time, and the official discovery took place in 1984. The ride time here from the central part of the city is forty-five minutes. The Botanical Garden covers an area greater than six hundred hectares, here your eyes will appear exotic ecosystems of Cuba. In the garden there are curious collections of plants Palmetum, which grew centuries ago. Wide in the Chinese garden, which created the Japanese master of Yoshikuni Arakia - here reigns a unique calm and peaceful atmosphere. In case you are hungry, there is an ecological restaurant.

The most interesting excursions in Havana. 7827_1


The most interesting excursions in Havana. 7827_2

It will be very interesting for children and adults who want to know the luxurious underwater world that surrounds the island of freedom. Here you will see different types of oceanic bottom and local representatives of underwater flora. Look, but if you wish, we will take part in the show with dolphins and sea lions. It will be possible to eat in the local restaurant, its ten meters wall shares the world of people and the ocean.

The most interesting excursions in Havana. 7827_3

Zoo in Havana

This institution was opened in 1939, it means an old structure accordingly. Here you can see representatives of the local tropical animal world - feathered, mammals, snakes ...

The price of excursions for the group from one to three tourists - from $ 70. It takes the time seven hours. The cost includes guide services, are not included - transport costs, entry payments in museums and attractions. Excursion will begin from your hotel.

Pleasant travel on the island of freedom!

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