Majestic Amphitheater in Majdie


Amptere El Jime We managed to see during our short-term visit to Majdia a couple of years ago. This gigantic architectural structure was erected in 238 to indicate the rule of the senior rule at the time.

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He is somewhat inferior to the Roman Colosseum in size, but produces the same graceful and majestic impression. The Walls of the Colosseum decorates a skillful mosaic, which depicts the riders, hunters and the animals they pursue. All those who died during the hunt, were brought in those times to the sacrifice of the gods. Each animal produced in the arena was devoted to his God, for example: Bull and Lev - Juno and Saturn, Bear - Diana, Panther - Dionysus.

Until the XVII century, the amphitheater was in his original state. But during the construction of a big cathedral mosque in Kairian, stones from an ancient amphitheater began to pull out and use for the construction of a religious building. The final destruction of the Tunisian Colosseum was subjected to in the XIX century during shelling when the next folk unrest in the country is suppressed.

To date, in the stone halls of the Amphitheater, devastation and silence reign. But even in such a deplorable state, the amphitheater in El Jime is preserved, perhaps, better than all structures of this type.

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Also there you can look at the underground city, which is located below near the Staterometra Ampteater.

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The cells were preserved here in those days held wild animals, the camorks where gladiators were located, cameras, where the corpses from the arena were quickly removed.

In our time, the arena use more for holding classical music festivals, which usually take place in the summer in the open sky. Unfortunately, during our visit, no festivals were performed.

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