What interesting places should be visited in Havana?


Havana is the capital of Cuba, in 2015 this city will celebrate the Pupyek anniversary from the date of its foundation. He is deservedly considered the main tourist center of the island of freedom. The urban architectural style strikes with its diversity - the buildings are adjacent here, built by the Spanish colonialists, and new high-rise buildings, built using glass and concrete. This is a rather picturesque place: the historical heritage is concentrated in the city center, the total number of antiquity attractions is about a thousand. The list of monuments located in the historic center of Havana is replenished all the time.

Embankment Malegon

The city is located on the coast of the Gulf of Mexico, his business card is a picturesque spacious embankment Malecon, which begins from the fortress structure of La Punta and ends near the Almenacers River. This embankment was designed in 1875, but the construction was started only in 1902, and completed - in 1926.

Walking along the Malecon embankment, you will provide yourself with pleasant memories of Havana, because it is a very romantic place where the love is thinking and capturing spiritual experiences.

"Malecon", by the way, and translates as "embankment". From the side of the sea, her finished line would be carelessly contacted by contours of the caves, grottoes and bathing, which is cut down in the rocks. It is not possible to climb the wall from the sea, and from the side of the city it is towers only to the belt. Located here benches are usually empty - tourists and local couples lovers prefer to sit on the parapet, admiring the sea view. He got the nickname of the longest bench of love in the world.

You will not see on the embankment "Malekon" in the same hour and fishermen, and people who just came to walk - fishing here are engaged in early in the morning (a good place is near the hotel "Devil"). You can, however, see the Devora, mastering a fishing case and diving into the sea from the wall.

In the day hour, along the embankment, groups of tourists are moving - the routes start from La Ramp street and go to the La Chorrera fortress, which was erected in the mouth area of ​​the Almenarya River, close to the Eighteenth Tower, the monument of Antonio Maso (he was General Milat, The hero of war for the independence of 1895), the highest building of the city is a national hospital, an anti-imperialist tribune, as well as a monument in honor of the sailors who died in the nineteenth century on the American battleship "Maine" passing by cafes, hotels and casinos.

In the evening it seems the impression that all the inhabitants and guests of Havana came here. It is possible that this is true - the people on the embankment are having fun, dancing and sings, as if time left, everything is left and need to get everything in full - here and now. In the case, if the carnival passes at this time, then at such a time on the Malecon Embankment, you can see the marchs, festive processions, hear laughter, music ... Dancing, rum, smiles of girls ... The festival that will give you in Havana the embankment of love .. .

What interesting places should be visited in Havana? 7817_1

Fortress of three saints kings El Morro

This is a fortress building built in the 1589-1610 years, located at the entrance to the city harbor and snacks over a 25-35 meters sea stroke. It is irregular, as it is adjusted under the outline of the coastline. The fortress represents three bastions, which are connected using two kurtic - walls for shooting from various levels. This fortress building was considered impregnable, as long as she was not taken by the British in 1762. In the nineteenth century, a lighthouse was installed here for seafarers orientation, which serves to determine the shore and enter the port. Nowadays, there is a single tourist attraction - a large Morro-Caban Military Historical Park.

What interesting places should be visited in Havana? 7817_2

Arms area

When some new city was erected in Spain, then first built Plaza de Armaas - the arms area. The first thing was located its limits, and after the arrangement went around it - the construction of the church, the city hall or the municipality, the house for the mayor or the governor, as well as the postal. Then the roads were laid from such a square to the surrounding villages and other cities, subsequently became streets. In Cuba, such a custom did not forget, therefore the first and main square in Havana is Plaza de Armaas. The area of ​​the weapon is surrounded by such buildings as the city museum, or the Palace of Captain-General, the Museum of Ceramics, or the La Furz fortress, as well as the small structure of the temple. Plaza de Armaas is dated 1575th, this place is a national heritage.

What interesting places should be visited in Havana? 7817_3

Central Park

City Central Park, or Parque Central, is a favorite place to relax and walks in Havana. At first, there was a small square of Elizabeth second, subsequently born to the current limits - after demolition in the nineteenth century of urban walls. In 1877, the area was rebuilt and equipped according to the most recent technical achievements of that time - from New York, the street lights and a carved grille for the fence were delivered here. And in 1899, in February, the lamps of electrical lighting of the streets were lit here for the first time in the country.

The beginning of the twentieth century was marked by the construction of important buildings - hotels, commercial centers and houses of Spanish societies. On February 24, 1905, a marble statue of the Hosé Marty of the authorship of the Hosé Vilata Saavedra was installed in the park.

In 1960, the recruitment of the park was engaged in the architect Eukhenio Batista - he did not change anything thoroughly, only improved her plant landscape.

Instead of two of the four here, the fountains located here, he set up hustolic trees, and at the end of the park zone, near the streets of Zulueta, posted eight vases with flowers - in honor of eight students of medicine, which shot the Spanish army in 1871. The figure of Hosé Marty was surrounded by twenty-eight palm trees - as a symbol of the date of the patriot.

Nowadays, the central park is a unique oasis in which you can relax from the urban bustle on the bench and look at passersby. The south of the José Marty figure is something similar to Hyde Park in London - a glorified "warm corner", a place for hot political slogans.

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