What excursions worth visiting on Lombok?


Lombok, in contrast to the promoted and noisy Bali, island for privacy and relax. There are no special attractions here, but this does not mean that rest on Lombok is bored and uninteresting. Cognition and study of another country, familiarity with the lifestyle of local, various water entertainment, shopping, as well as the healthy and relaxing procedures - all this you will find here.

For the minimum acquaintance with the island, I highly recommend going on Sightseeing tour on the island. Of course, this is only a small piece of knowledge, allowing to see the island of superficially, but in order to glorify plans for rest, this excursion is the most! The scale that the guides have planned quite large - the excursion lasts more than 8 hours. During this time, visit the most ancient Temple of Lingsar. Surprisingly, this place is equally holy for representatives of three religions - Hindus, Buddhists and Muslims. Enjoy harmony and amazing balance, you can, when visiting the magnificent Garden Narmada. To begin with, they are offered to explore the palace of this Raji, well, and then go down to this paradise on Earth:

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After such a spectacle, it is hard to return to the human bustle, but the next stage of the excursion is shopping. Nothing can be done, but organized groups cannot be avoided, this is a kind of bread guides. Naturally, it is better to simply get acquainted with the assortment and ask the price, and you already get ready to buy more on Lombok. Quickly run through shopping, you are offered in the Mataram Mall shopping center, as well as visit the Pearl Shop, where you can see (and when you wish to purchase) products from pearl and pearls.

Close by name, but much deeper in the sense of an excursion called Travel around the island with a check in the village of Sasak . There will be no shopping, except for the purchase of souvenirs. This is a typical eco-study of Lombok. Camera with an additional battery and memory card must be taken! Malimbu hill viewing area worth to be immortalized as well as a stunning waterfall Sindang Gile - Beauty is just indescribable

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As an ancient nation, Sasak managed to preserve identity in the conditions of the coming civilization - remains a mystery. In the village of Sasak you can explore their simple dwellings, as well as buy handmade products. Of course, this place is more designed for tourists with appropriate prices and a traditional show, but to see and visit here certainly worth it!

Shopping on the island of Lombok is so interesting that it is highlighted by a separate excursion program. The program is planned so that tourists can get acquainted almost with all the products that Lombock are famous for. It is noteworthy that bypassing all sorts of malls and large stores, you straight go to the countryside. Each village is proud of its masters. BanyUmulek is potters, here the queen is clay. Decorations, household items, souvenirs and, of course, dishes are made from this environmentally friendly natural material. The village of Sukarare is weaver. They produce fabric, sew traditional clothes and paint them manually. Pass by and not to buy at least a light scarf is simply impossible

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Buy various wicker and beautiful carved wooden products when visiting the Nyiur Baye and Jangkuk settlements. The main thing is not to spend all the money because you want to buy literally every thing. But you need to keep yourself in your hands.

Lombok is an island, which means it is surrounded with water from all sides. Naturally, the main activity is water entertainment. Sea walks, surfing and diving are very popular with tourists. Fishermen will deliver great pleasure from leaving the boat to the open ocean with special trolling equipment

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The famous island where huge Varana Comodo lives, is 400 km away. In the east of the island of Lombok, you can get there by boat or plane. Excursion not cheap (about $ 800 transfer aircraft; $ 500 - shuttle boat), but being in Indonesia, you need to get to these "cute" animals:

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Despite the fact that the Varana lives in the park and with you there will be a guide, children for this excursion is undesirable. No need to forget that these are wild and very dangerous animals and visiting the park - this is kinda, extreme.

Lombok is a Muslim island and you need to remember to remember on excursions, and just walking around the island not in tourist areas. You should not wear short skirts and shorts, when visiting temples shoulders should be covered. This is perhaps the only recommendation. Otherwise, this is a very cozy and convenient place for both an organized excursion and for an independent tourist. Get acquainted with the island in the group or individually - decides everyone. One thing to say exactly - it is definitely worth going here and even if you love only to lie on the beach and roasts in the sun, highlight at least one day to study this beautiful island - Lombok

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