The most interesting places in Sarajevo.


The capital of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Sarajevo - a very hospitable city. There is a completely unfamiliar man here, will gladly tell you how to go to the historical object you are interested in. Every year more and more foreign tourists discover this small wonderful country and its capital. On the territory that the modern city occupies, people still lived in the third millennium to our era on the assumption of historians and archaeologists.

The city itself was founded in the middle of the XIII century and therefore it is quite natural that quite a lot of vintage structures have been preserved here, which are of great interest to coming to Sarajevo, travelers. Here, in one city, two cultures are peacefully around: Muslim and Christian, which undoubtedly affected the architecture.

Imperial Mosque in Sarajevo / Careva Dzamija

The most interesting places in Sarajevo. 7804_1

Obala Isa-Bega Ishakovi 263 A 71,000 Sarajevo - at this address is a mosque, which is one of the main attractions of Sarajevo. New captured territories of the school, bridges, and of course I did not forget about the mosques. In 1462, according to his order, a mosque was built, subsequently became the spiritual center for many centuries, where it is always full of people. By the way, you can go to the mosque completely freely, provided that there will be no service. After one of the numerous grip wars, the temple was thoroughly destroyed and only thanks to the emperor Suleiman a great, the mosque, in 1527 he adopted, after a significant reconstruction, his final appearance.

Cathedral of the Holy Heart of Jesus / Cathedral Of Jesus` Heart

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This monumental catholic temple located on the street. Farhadia is considered the biggest religious structure of the capital. The beginning of its construction dates back to 1884. The cathedral is proud of the locals and it is not surprising, because his architect was the famous architect Josip Vance, the author of the project of a masterpiece notre ladies in Paris. The appearance of the temple is very peculiar, as two architectural styles were intertwined in it: Romanesque and Neootsky. The inner decoration of the church looks very rich. It is worth paying attention to stained glass windows, with religious scenes shown on them. According to many specialists, the most magnificent object inside the cathedral is the department in the gilded frame.

The entrance to the Cathedral is free, in specifically, for this, the allotted hours: from 09.00 to 19.00. Here even allowed to photograph.

Trade Square Sarajevo "Bar-Charshia"

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Another place where you will feel and see with your own eyes the whole east flavor of the city - the old market, which occupies a pretty decent square. Here, in this market "Charshiya", immediately at its entrance, you get into the medieval century. If you wish, you can familiarize yourself with the ancient technology of manufacturing manually, wound carpets with a breathtaking ornament and a completely exotic coloring. Here you can watch the work of unsurpassed metal masters, which on your amazed eyes in a matter of minutes will make out of a piece of metal, which is a charming bauble, type of jams or a unique bracelet. Having made some kind of purchases, here you can quench your hunger, by absorbing the delicious lamb, grilled in your eyes and drinking the fragrant drink in the world - coffee. Very near the market is the area of ​​Bruz, which at one time was considered the largest transit point of the Great Silk Road.

Mosque "Bezova-Jamia" and "Tsareva-Jamia"

Among the numerous mosques of amazing beauty, it is also worth identifying these two cult facilities of Islamic religion. The Bezovy-Jamia Mosque is highlighted by its impressive sizes, because it is not for nothing that she is the biggest mosque of the whole region, built during the reign of Ottoman emperors, in the XV century. The second mosque is the most majestic, causing awe of Muslim believers. It is also worth visiting the Turkish fortress with its twelve towers standing high on the rock. The entrance to this fortification is free.

Historical Museum of Bosnia and Herzegovina / Sarajevo History Museum

Zmaja Od Bosne 5 71 000 Sarajevo Bosnia and Herzegovina - There is a museum with unique exhibits at this address, the number of which has reached more than 300,000 copies. A separate exhibition presents all sorts of objects that tell about the civil war of the 1990s. In addition, here you can see a pretty good and very diverse collection of paintings from all regions of the former Yugoslavia. If you wish, you can explore numerous documents stored in the archive, starting from the time of the Ottoman Empire. Works museum all days except Monday. Time for visits: from 10.00 to 18.00. The entrance is free for all categories of citizens.

Fountain Semil Bruneen

Next to the hotel "Hekko", in the center of Bashcharsia Square, there is another urban attraction - a very beautiful fountain made of wood. In 1753, the architect and part-time sculptor Mehmed-Pasha Kukavitsa fulfilled his very original intent in a chic Mauritan style. The fountain is made in the form of an oct of an overwhelmed blue dome. This area flies numerous flocks of pigeons on this square, because of which the townspeople began to call this place with a pigeon square. In the city there is a belief that if you drink some water from this magnificent fountain, you will definitely return to this wonderful city.

Latin Bridge / Latinska Uprija

Traveling in Sarajevo can not be available at: Obala Isa Bega Isakovica 1 Sarajevo 71000, Bosnia and Herzegovina, where the famous city symbol is located - the country's oldest bridge running through a small river Milyatska. This ancient bridge (the date of construction is the XVI century) is famous for the fact that it was here 28.08.1914 the prince of the Austro-Hungarian Empire was killed - Ersgertz Ferdinand, this deliberate murder became a good reason for the beginning of the First World War. Initially, the bridge was wooden and only after the flooding in 1791, it was decided to reconstruct the bridge, replacing the tree with a stone.

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