What excursions should go to Amsterdam?


Getting acquainted with Amsterdam, you can not only inspect the main sights of the city or visit the leading museums of the capital, but also order one of numerous excursions that allow you to fully plunge into the atmosphere of this amazing city.

What kind of excursions are organized during your visit can be found in brochures that are usually exhibited at special racks in hotels, tourist offices and some stores and museums. True, they concern, as a rule, excursions organized by travelers. But you can also use the services of a private guide, having agreed with it in advance on the Internet or telephone. Currently, a sufficient Russian-speaking guide works in Amsterdam so that there are no problems with the choice. The only thing that can stop is a fairly high price of a similar service. Since often the cost of the excursion is determined by the clock and in the distance, and not by the number of people in the group. Therefore, if, for example, 150 euros - a normal price for a group of 8 people, then for two - three people, it may seem too high. And in this case, it will be much cheaper to sign up for an organized group in the tourist office. So, sightseeing tour in Amsterdam on Red two-story bus with audio will cost 20 euros, and if you get a discount (often such coupons are found in promotional tourist booklets), then you can travel even for 14 - 15. Such buses are sent every 15 minutes from 09.15 to 19.00, and a special ticket system allows you to go on you Stop (all of them 11), walk at a certain place and sit on any other such a bus to continue the excursion during the day (ticket, valid 48 hours, costs about 40 euros).

You can see Amsterdam and get acquainted with his story not only from the bus, but also from the boat. Water walk You can order as separately (it costs about 15 euros), and combine it from a bus sightseeing tour (a combined ticket for 24 hours costs 42 euros). Pier for ships running through Amsterdama canals is located on the way from the Lady Square to the Railway Station, and is easily determined by the huge number of tourists and boats.

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In addition, it is offered and very unusual River cruises over the night city With cocktails or dinner (37,50 and 72.50 euros, respectively).

You can also make exciting Pedestrian tour of the historic center of Amsterdam With tasting traditional Dutch cheese and waffle. True, in this case, knowledge of English is desirable (as the guide will speak or in his native language, or in English). There is a similar three-hour adventure in the area of ​​25 euros per person, and every Monday is held, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday from 11 am.

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Among the extraordinary routes can be noted "Cofweshop Tour" , during which tourists are talking about the origin and peculiarities of growing and consuming marijuana, and will also introduce a feature of the work of such institutions. True, it will not start any of them. Acquaintance with the world of light drugs is limited only to detailed information and show. Losts such a tour of about 2 hours, it is held daily at 14.50 and costs about 12 euros.

Holland is not only the birthplace of cheese and tulips, but also a country proud of great artists. If you want to join the world of beautiful, you can order Tour "Dutch Masters and Miracles" , including an overview pedestrian tour of Amsterdam, visiting the Van Gogh Museum and State Revmusea, lunch on board the boat during a water walk through the Capital Channels and the entrance ticket to the Museum of Diamonds. Losts such a fascinating acquaintance with the city about seven hours, costs 89 euros and begins every Friday, Saturday and Sunday at 9.30 am from Keytours (Paulus Potterstraat 8). True, again, for this route, knowledge of a foreign language is desirable, as guides are working on German, Spanish, French and English.

Get acquainted with the country and its traditions can be in time Countryside With its cozy farms, windmills and ceremonies. The excursion designed for 6 to 7 hours and providing for movement both on the boat and by bus, introduces its guests with the amazing life of the inhabitants of the Dutch village, will show the process of making cheese and allow you to taste traditional dishes in the fish restaurant. And just for 48 euros. By the way, here you do not need to be afraid of the language barrier, since in the way you will be accompanied by audiogide in Russian (in total in it 16 languages), and on the way will be enough free time to visit the farmers market or lunch. There is such an excursion every day at 9.00, 12.30 and 14.30 and it is usually about 40 - 50 euros.

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Of course, it is impossible to imagine the Spring Holland without Park Tulips Kyuctencof Located near the capital. If you doubt your capabilities to get there on your own, you can take a tourist package for 45 euros, including transfer, visiting the park itself and the excursion.

In addition to acquaintance with Amsterdam, you can see other cities of the country. So, daily at 14.30 the five-hour excursion begins in Delft and Gagu. (worth 40 euros) or in the morning you can go on a small journey through the country (good, small size it allows you to easily do it).

Thus, rest in Amsterdam can be easily easy to make interesting and informative. For this there are all the possibilities.

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