Is Kathmandu suitable for recreation with children?


Nepal is a very interesting and distinctive country. Tourists are attracted in Nepal, first of all, Himalayas, the ability to carry out tracks, in other words, ascent to the tops of the highest and beautiful mountains on the planet. Also in Nepal, in particular, in the Valley of Kathmandu, there are many very interesting attractions - temples, vintage cities. However, the resort of Kathmandu is difficult to call, there are no seas in the country, nor any medicinal resorts or sanatoriums. There are no such concepts such as a children's club, children's alternation, children's pools in Kathmandu hotels, except for a slight hint of such a service in the most expensive "network" hotels of Kathmandu, such as "Hilton", "Hayat" or "Radisson". If your child is still a baby, the track will not go and temples are unlikely to interest him, then I would not recommend it on a journey through Nepal. Moreover, the path to Nepal is long and complex, there are no direct flights, docking between flights (in the cities of the UAE Sharjah and Dubai), as a rule, make up five hours and more. If the child is older, and the unusual statues of Nepalese deities will be interested, then this trip can be an excellent family adventure, especially if you decide to go to some simple track. The beauty of Himalayas, difficulties, testing and joy from victories and overcoming obstacles - for sure these memories will be among the brightest and memorable in your family travel history.

With the child, you must visit the Reserve Chitwan, this adventure will surely leave the indifferent child of any age. In the kittan, the riding an elephant can be stroll through the jungle, see a huge amount of rare birds. You can also buy with an elephant in the river, having accepted the most unusual souls in the world of an elephant's trunk, it will also be possible to feed the nursery from the bottle of a small elephant (imagine what delight will cause it in a child!). Most of the tourists (except those who are not frankly lucky) will be seen in the heap of rhinos endaning from the face, as well as crocodiles, in natural habitat for these rare animals.

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Very interesting place in Nepal, both adults and for children, will be such a resort as Pokhara. This is a very beautiful little city located on the shrine of the Holy Lake Fava, surrounded by the snowy peaks of Annapurna. Many delight causes both adults and children, boating and catamarans on Lake Fayva.

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In the vicinity of Pokhara is also very interesting places - caves and famous Davis Waterfall.

Although medicine in Nepal at a fairly high level and the services of doctors are inexpensive, still not excess precaution will be the design of medical insurance, especially if you travel with children.

The best time for visiting I Nepal is spring and autumn. At this time, the most favorable conditions for monitoring the snowy peaks of Himalayas, who are not hidden behind the clouds at this time, also at this time, comfortable weather for all excursions. Summer in Nepal is the rainy season (although this season is not so pronounced, as, for example, in neighboring India), the winter is quite cool.

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