What excursions worth going to Jaisalmera?


Safari on camels and a pleasant evening in the village itself. Such an unforgettable tour offered to us Nang, the owner of a small hotel, in which we stayed in Jaisalmera (thanks to his tornness at the station, as soon as we came down from the train). Our Safari Nanga and I also worked with him. We not only provided a personal driver with the driver for the whole day, so that we even traveled several temples in the desert, where tourists do not carry, but also issued on a personal "coneashka", while other tourists sat on the camels in two, yes Also in an embrace with your faugs.

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We walked on horseback, and rushed to jump - entertained in general. Those whom we have fun hide, looked at our horses (and on us too) with envy and admiration, shouted words of greetings in different languages, Mahali handles. Their kinks slowly burers, swearing and capricious. Well, our also shook a little at the very beginning, but then it can be seen, I realized that the burda within 50 kg is nothing in comparison with the fate of their fellows, forced to drag on themselves for a couple of riders with a common mass of 150 and higher. "Our camels are the fastest camels in the world!" - exclaimed daughter. And then! We drove on the troika (sorry, on a twice) with buboins. Oh, how I love the desert! What a pacification and delight I feel whenever I find yourself in the midst of this giant silence!

We finished our multi-kilometer jump at the village itself, where we had to spend the whole evening: to relax, walk, taste local dishes, listen to national live music and see the show with the participation of local Indian dancers and singers.

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Completely, the young man rushed from that very settlement, the young man rushed, happily waving his hands and welcoming in English (I took it so much from such a warm taking that I even looked back: who he was so happily welcomed?), Gave us a whole house for rest (well Okay, I will not escape, a spacious tent, not a house), where there were carpets on the floor (in the sand), two beds, covered not very fresh lurps, which is already becoming familiar in India, toilet with a toilet, water, shower, soap , light. Before the beginning of the presentation, he put two stools for us opposite the scene and treated as a national Indian drink - Masala / Masala Tea tea (black tea, brewed with a mixture of Indian spices and herbs, milk, sugar, etc.). Next, he left us for the show, enjoy watching and slowly, but correctly trying to chairs, because At night in the desert it is always cold, despite the daily heat. Therefore, my advice to you, take a sweater or jacket on a trip. The very idea of ​​us, to be honest, tired of half an hour, because some kind of supernoriginality it did not differ and the dances were similar to one another. Is that bright colored suits changed quite often. After the dances there was dinner in the same village, where we once again found our guardian to make sure that we have everything. In short, accepted us as expensive guests. Probably, we were lucky once again? .. Thank you, Lord!

It must be said here that Nang gave us some kind of writing on the grizzle (it was !!!) paper with his signature and said: "This paper and my signature is quite enough for everything!"

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Foggy phrase, yes? What was our surprise when it turned out that she worked that the stiff paper with his signature, which he initially even pull out of his pocket. This shameful paper break (with his signature) was even enough on the checkpoint, where we demanded to pay the entry visa to the forbidden territory: I put out the window (with horror, to be honest, but I didn't have anything else) the very paper, officer I glanced, I took under the visor and immediately gave good. Later, this piece of paper worked in the same way and when placed and maintained in the village itself, where we stopped. Yes, that's what. Tourists in the very village gathered not enough, but the awnings received only units ... And that guy who caught us at the entrance and, of course, read our "document"-toe, followed us on the heels, was interested in well-being, whether there were no problems With the stomach (I went to our house exactly at the moment when I left the WC: "Where is the second?" - Ksyusha, she silently points to the toilet, he is horrified: "She is bad?! Problems with the stomach?") , offered to replace food and drinks at our request. He was our shadow in the village, calculated and found us everywhere, even in the dark.

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