Food in Budapest: Where to eat, what to try?


What is? Hungarian specialists

Hungarian cuisine is very tasty, diverse, and, despite numerous borrowing, is very distinctive. The main gift that Hungarian cuisine has been made to the whole world is, of course, the famous Hungarian Goulash soup. Thick, with plenty of meat, fat, vegetables and spices, very calorie and with a very bright taste, this soup makes you forget about diets and reasonable nutrition. Like his variety, a cruck, even more thick and sharp than a classic walking or a tokan, less acute a variety of walk with mushrooms, green peas and greens. No less popular and pairpash is a dish of gentle, dietary meat varieties, but with a lot of sour cream and paprika. All sorts of roast types are popular here, which eat with dumplings and mustard sauce, as well as Debrecen sausages with paprika and Hungarian sausage salami.

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Despite the fact that Hungary does not have access to the sea, the country is rich in lakes, and fish meals are very popular, for example, ear called Halasle. It is a dish of several fish varieties with lots of paprika, tomatoes and onions. No less popular and Balaton Sudak - Fogash.

Know the sense of the Hungary and in desserts. Traditional Hungarian sweets include thin PalacSinta Puff Pancakes with Sweet Stuffing. Most popular pancakes in Gundelevsky. Classical Hungarian cakes are considered to be "Doboza", "Schomlya Galushka" and "Etherzaha" - very tasty and calories, like all the Hungarian food. And about the Austro-Hungarian past resemble the rolls from a thin dough with a cherry, magican and apple filling called "Retesh" - version of the Vienna Vienna.

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What drink? About the present "current" and not only about him

But Hungary is famous than Hungary. The current Tokay wine that Goethe called the king of wines and wine of the kings, and Voltaire devoted poems, it was produced here. The best Tokay wine is considered "Tokay Ace," is not inferior to him in popularity and "Tokai norport", which is sweet, semi-sweet and dry.

A little less known, but no less fragrant and delicious red wines produced from grapes growing on the slopes of the mountains near the towns of Eger, travelers and sex. The best of these: Egri Bikover, Villani Burgundy, Sexardi Veres and Medina. From white wines, in addition to the current, wines are most popular with grapes of Riesling grapes grown near the Balaton and the surroundings of the Matra Mountain, such as Abshari Riesling and Badachoni Riesling.

Not less famous than the Tokayskoe, Hungarian Bitter Liquor "Unicum". This liquor infused on more than 40 herbs is one of Hungary's national drinks for more than two hundred years.

Popular and local beer, inexpensive and very tasty. The most popular brands here, it is Drehercher Tank, Aranyok, Shoprony and Kabanya.

Where there is? Restaurants and cafes

The most fiscal power option in Budapest is a languy, fried cakes with a filling of cheese, garlic and sour cream. They are sold everywhere in numerous kiosks, their cost rarely exceeds one euro.

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If there is a desire to try the real Magyarskaya, non-cuisine, it is worth going to one of the eateries called Etkezde, where the Hungarians themselves love to care. For example, the family institution of Kadar Etkezde on Klauza Square, 9, where a simple Hungarian lunch will cost 10 euros. Or Kisharang etkezde on October 6, 17, where the main dish costs 5 euros, and the entire lunch is less than 10 euros.

Slightly more expensive, about 20 euros, a dinner will be released at the Voros Postakocsi restaurant, located on the street Radai, 15. Dinner in the excellent restaurant Gundel, which on Gundel Caroli Street, 4 will cost about 40 euros.

If you want sweet, the desserts can be enjoyed in the oldest pastry shop of Gerbeaud's on the Vorosmarty Square, 7. Check for two people - at least 20 euros, but it is worth it.

Stayed in Budapest hungry is very difficult if you, of course, are not a strict vegetarian. All the rest will have to taste very bright to taste and the calorie cooker in the composition of Magyarskaya cuisine, which took from the eastern and European all the best, providing all this with red podpicks - paprika.

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