What is worth buying in Portofino?


Portofino can be boldly called the paradise on the Ligurian Sea coast. This small cozy town for summer holidays was chosen not only by Italians, but also rich tourists from all over the world. Not only ordinary deaths come here (which mostly this resort is not affordable), but also Hollywood stars, world-famous designers and successful businessmen. It is logical that there is where there is a rich public, there is also a supply of goods that will be interested in it.

Thus, it is not at all surprising that the town is simply clogged with boutiques and fashionable branded shops Dora, Hermes, Versace, Dolcene End Gaban ... But no one will go here for the sake of these boutiques, of course, no one will fully in any big city in any country. Here I actually have no one that cannot be found in any other place, which is why many tourists refuse shopping in Portofino. The main street of Via Roma is just clogged to the failure of expensive boutiques, in which you can find wonderful cacastor things, summer dresses, summer shoes, etc. The most famous manufacturers, but the prices are pieces here.

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The quality here is the same as in other stores in any other country.

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If you decide to purchase something here, it will not work out about the price, prices are fixed in boutiques. You can pay in euros and dollars as in any tourist town of Europe. Of course, you can use the bank card, but note that you will be taken from 1 to 5% of the purchase amount for carrying out the operation abroad (sometimes it is quite a fair amount comes out).

Discounts in the summer period in stores are also no, why? The worst of the season and the influx of tourists, so there is no point in making discounts.

In principle, the city does not sell what it is impossible to export from the country. So there should be no problem with this (if you certainly do not want to take out some kind of museum exhibit).

All that can buy tourists here are souvenirs - here they are a huge set, not cheap, but bright and colorful, will become a wonderful reminder of a sunny holiday in Portoofino - a paradise in Italy.

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