Useful information for those who are going to India


Indian aircraft: international and internal flights. Now I have to tell about airplanes and airports. I will try to be objective and restrain my anger and irritation. Well, first of all, it should be noted that India airports is a closed area, it is possible to enter there only upon presentation of a ticket and a document certifying personality. Everything is carefully checking the police officer at the entrance, so only passengers fall into the airport building - no accompanying, no homeless people, no beggars.

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At the entrance, your things that are crushed into luggage are shouted and carefully studied the contents of your suitcase / bags / backpack. On Indian Airlines, it is forbidden to transport even the lighters in the luggage (in my opinion, this is their main task and incurable mania), matches, magnets. There are some more inconceivable restrictions with which you can not particularly steam. The main thing is lighters. We lost on the flights of ten lighters (do not even try to hide, they will still find), several boxes of matches (then they became smarter and hid their better). Magnets, I intentionally took flat, folded the stacker one to one and cleaned the backpack deep into the ridge. Honestly, for me it remained absolutely not clear such that the anti-passion of the Indians to lighters. It seemed the impression that all their airport appliances were purposefully programmed on the search for these. Compressed gas? Do not make my sneakers: in our luggage, and not only with us, I suppose, lay the anti-mosquito spray bottle, so no one occurred to ask what it is. If you compare size, then the vials are simply gigantic compared to lighters. I am sure, in almost every luggage bag, at least one thing will be delayed, on which the black on white is written: "is under pressure. Do not disassemble, do not calculate and not burn even after use. " These are all sorts of lotions, perfume, gels, foams, deodorants. Why exactly lighters are interested in (or frighten?) Their most? They drive, let's say, your bag through the scanner and immediately give the verdict: four lighters, here, here, here, and here, give in good way. Such a sheep, as I, which conscience, is monitored even for a billarous passage of public transport, I will not even immediately argue. But most people are where cunning and blank! Another question that I would like to ask the workers of the airports: Lord, but you can't confiscate absolutely all lighters from passengers, because any technique can be blown up, for it came up with a person, which means that the person will find a way to overcome it. After all, a person intelligently relieve the experience of his punctures and the next time act more carefully. This means that a good third lighters will still go to the flight. I think you are not so stupid so that such a thought does not come to mind, and therefore the danger of lighters is somewhat exaggerated, right? The whole world flies with lighters on board - and not only in the baggage, and sometimes at all in your pocket! - but India hysteria and shies away from such familiar Divays, like the devil from holy water. Funny. Indian airframe is decent enough unlike ground transportI especially can allocate only one airline - Indigo, there are airplanes, staff, and service, and service at the airport are out of all competition and at the highest level. My sincere thanks and appreciation to all workers of this airline, the services of which we took advantage of three times. All flights inside the country are pretty cheap. These are the loupes, where you can offer only drinking water, and the food is for the fee. Airplanes fly very low, not climbing above the clouds: the land, houses and roads are visible. I even expressed the idea that they are oriented visually, in fact, getting from point A at B. In India, flights with stops are practiced, it seems like you are on the bus, and not in the plane. For example, the trip from Trivandrum to Delhi passes through the Kochin, where people will come out, then the aircraft and the remaining passengers will be added additionally, new people will come, and the plane will fly on. We visited the role of passengers to an intermediate stop when I flew from Jaipur to Ahmedabad: Having landed us, the plane went on to Mumbai.

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Summing up everything said about flights, despite the purity, some guarantee and organization of air transportation, I will try to avoid this method of movement within the country, for communication with airport workers ultimately spoils the mood strongly, reduces self-esteem, knocks out the rut. Maybe, in India, they are specifically taken to the position of airport securities of stupid sporaries with a single brainwater overhang, painfully resembling a track from a cap? Airport Secaryati, as the selection, rude, are not strong, own information in extremely limited volume, frankly stupid. I will not be able to be in a sense, why such people take on such a serious job. The entrance to the airport is still a big responsibility. Well, put these limited loudspeakers to watch hand-made bag and searched passengers. They are there the very place: angry passengers will shout and pour curses, and their response will be zero due to mental inhibition and intellectual limitations.

The bright opposite is other airport workers who are so attentive, responsive and warned, which is even lost from the surprise: having communicated with a stupid scumbag on the entrance, you are already starting to suspect that you can not expect anything good at the airport in principle. It's not at all so I assure you. For example, an international airport of Gandhi Indira in Delhi is a city in the city, it is so huge that it's easy there to get lost. On the territory of the airport runs the electric vehicle on which passengers are delivered to the exit to landing. You will not be lost to be confused and will not leave alone, dozens of friendly and charming young people will be thrown to you to help, will show, prompt and, if necessary, they even spend either transfer to another consultant as a chain. They rasshibut in the cake, to make your stay in their territory comfortable and bright.

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