Cost of rest in Portofino


Travel or any trip is always pleasant troubles and costs with both planned and not planned. Actually, very cheap travel does not happen, but sometimes the costs exceed all possible limits, because you want everything more and more during the rest.

Let Portofino and a small town, but not at all cheap and the whole thing is that local azure shores and clean water marked by the blue flag, by the way, fell in love with the rich and famous world of this world. Hollywood stars come here and famous global designers. So once there is a demand, it means there is a proposal, in effect that the client is the more expensive proposal.

And so, the main cost includes payment of the hotel, food, transport, and how without them souvenirs and excursions. The hotel can also be found for 4,000 euros for 5 nights for two, and you can choose a little easier, for example, 3 stars for 700 euros for 5 nights. With the optimal option, we will count 1000 euros (as an example Hotel Albergo Nazionale 3 * is located on the central square of the city and they are preparing excellent pizza!).

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The next item is travel and transport, depending on how you will get and cost will be different. Tickets in both directions for two adults will cost approximately $ 700 plus if you fly to Genoa, and there are about 20 euros about 20 euros on railway tickets.

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Now the food, the hotel offers breakfast, and here dinner and dinner is already in restaurants that are more than enough. Only now there are sometimes pieces here, you can see a cup of coffee for 13 euros. Approximately, depending on what and where you eat (take an average) one day for two will stand about 50 euros (lunch + dinner and a small snack in the form of coffee or tea).

Now excursions and visits to interesting places. The entrance to the Portion Park Portofino is free, Brown Castle will cost only 5 euros, the entrance to all churches is naturally free. All excursions are especially sea, are also not free. A trip to Abbey will cost approximately 30 euros per person (this is just passing there and back), an underwater tour (diving excursion) to the statue of Christ will stand about 150 euros, and the pleasure is not cheap, but very impressive!

And of course another consumables are souvenirs and purchases. In Portofino, there are a lot of gorgeous boutiques of all well-known brands, but the prices there are the same chic, or rather translated. Souvenirs also enough and all that bright, colorful, buy everything! Souvenirs are also not cheap. Small magnets on the fridge are approximately 5 euros, rapid plates with scenery of the city - from 10 to 30 euros, and then prices are increasing.

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So, summing up, we can say that the trip to Portofino for 5 days will cost 2000 euros plus transport costs. Not cheap, but it is worth it, we live, just once :)

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