How much money do you need to rest in Bad Gastein?


The Little Austrian Town of Bad Gastein received an additional impetus to development at the end of the IXX century, when it was officially recognized that in addition to the beautiful winter ski resort, Bad Gastein is also a biothermal hospital.

In this place, nature gave a person almost everything. Clean mountain air, splendor of nature and naturally healing radon sources. It is believed that thermal radon waters are very beneficial to human health. Once scientists have proven, the periodic adoption of baths with water from thermal sources is very beneficial to the treatment of the musculoskeletal system, and in the treatment of infertility in women. How true and fair information is not performed to judge but, radon thermal sources are definitely harm to do not bring, only benefits.

How much money do you need to rest in Bad Gastein? 7729_1

In addition, from historical times, it was here that the German emperors with all their family and the Imperial Dvor periodically were distinguished in Bad Gastein.

You can get to the town of Bad Gastein from the countries of the former USSR, you can use any airline of the world (it all depends on your preferences and the price of the ticket). It is best to fly to the city of Salzburg, it is just 100 kilometers from the ski resort. But it is worth noting that flights of airlines to Salzburg (mainly) are possible only in winter, therefore, more practical will fly to Munich. Munich is relatively not far away (260 kilometers) from the resort, plus to everything from Ukraine and Russia in this direction, more than 10 flights of various airlines are carried out daily. Next at your discretion, or on the rented vehicle, or choose a more budget way - railway transport. This method is sufficiently economical in comparison with the tancing provided by numerous hotels and wellness complexes. Transfer price from Munich Airport 250-300 euros (impressively, at the cost of a ticket for railway transport in 100-130 euros).

The resort itself is, mostly high-rise buildings descending on the slopes of the mountains to their foundations themselves.

How much money do you need to rest in Bad Gastein? 7729_2

It seems that the buildings are scattered a little chaotic, but it is only at first glance. All the buildings are perfectly harmonized with the surrounding nature, made in the national style, they are sometimes looking at a certain continuation of the mountain range. And in the very center of the resort there is a large waterfall. It seems to separate the resort into two parts.

The choice of hotels in the resort is not troublesome, if you did not book a room at the hotel in advance, I recommend paying attention to a somewhat very not bad hotels that are quite worthy of living and not too expensive.

The best place for rest is considered to be the complex "HotelDorf Gruener Baum".

How much money do you need to rest in Bad Gastein? 7729_3

It consists of five buildings, with its own tourist infrastructure. Beautiful license plate, excellent kitchen. Caring for children on vacation is very well developed. On the territory of the hotel complex has its own children's ski school, where children are busy under the immediate futile attention of instructors, right up to the closure of the lifts. Hotel complex "HotelsDorf Gruener is the best place to stay with children. Having arrived in this hotel, you will greatly rest. At the same time, you will not worry about your children, knowing that they are busy and are under constant control. In addition to the children's ski school, the hotel offers a variety of gaming activities for small visitors. Here is a beautiful children's room with a mass of entertainment, thematic events, plus specially equipped children's descents, where the smallest visitors honed their skills like skiers or just ride sleds. Such services are completely free and included for accommodation. If you figure out the price policy, prices are quite acceptable. It took about 83 euros per person, for the child a discount - 73 euros. The price includes morning breakfast for the whole family. If we talk about the price for accommodation in general, then the five-day accommodation of the family of their three people (one of which is a child) will cost 1010 euros. The question of nutrition in the future did not even rose. Dinned and dinner immediately, in the beautiful restaurant of the hotel. With a wide variety of the menu, prices are relatively stable and cheap. 100 euros we were enough for a full dinner and a buffet - for dinner.

For lovers of ski slalom, the resort is represented by 53 excellent ski slopes of different categories.

How much money do you need to rest in Bad Gastein? 7729_4

It is worth noting that most of the tracks are intended only for calm skiing, where only "ski literacy" is learn. The main area for skiing is Stullcohel, the highway of the Schlossalma region and Sportgastein. I want to pay attention to the Stullcokel area, located here, the blue tracks (for beginners) in connection with the change of weather conditions at one moment can "change color" on red (complex, for professionals).

How much money do you need to rest in Bad Gastein? 7729_5

Be extremely careful, and better (if you are new to) in skiing, I recommend to draw my attention to the area of ​​Schloss.

How much money do you need to rest in Bad Gastein? 7729_6

In this area, the tracks are designed specifically for beginners and children, learning to the wisdom of a ski business here - a pleasure. If you feel confident and the ability to overcome more than the "kindergarten for beginners" then you are a direct road to the slopes of the Angetal skate center. Here is the best safety ratio and complexity.

At the hotel accommodation, be sure to take care of the personal ski pass. Personal subscriber Ski Amade gives its owner to enjoy the services of all types of technical means in the ski resort. All lifts, funicular on all resort routes are available in the presence of a magnetic card.

How much money do you need to rest in Bad Gastein? 7729_7

Just do not forget to replenish the points on the ski passenger. The cost of skit-pass directly depends on the riding season and from the age category of the future owner. The cost of an adult skit-pass time of the "low season" will cost almost 37 euros, and during the "high season" - 39 euros. Children and adolescents are a significant discount. Children's ski - Pass in the same periods will cost 19 and 25 euros, respectively, for a teenager - 31 and 33 euros.

The only inconvenience - the resort is expensive to rent a ski equipment and equipment. But there is nothing impossible. The way to save and here will be found. All inventory and equipment better pay one payment on all the days of your stay. The resort system is built in such a way that the daily rent is twice as expensive than the rent for the entire stay. There are no discounts for renting equipment as, let's say on other resorts of Austria. The only plus is that even though the rental of children's equipment is twice as cheaper than an adult, and the children are distributed to the discount on the payment of weekly rent. Otherwise - expensive pleasure.

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