What are the interesting places worth visiting in Biarritz?


Biarritz "The city is very attractive, which places to walk and, therefore, you can hardly be bored here."

Grand Beach

The main attraction of the city is, of course, Grand Beach, located in the city center. Along it passes the embankment with numerous cafes, restaurants and souvenir shops. This is one of the busiest places in the city.

When you get to the Grand Beach, the first thing that attracts your attention is a luxury Hotel Du Pale and a lighthouse standing on a rocky rock.

What are the interesting places worth visiting in Biarritz? 7725_1

The lighthouse was built in 1834 and since then is a symbol of Biarritz. You can climb the viewing platform equipped on the lighthouse and admire the wonderful sea landscapes. Lifting up is carried out only on the screw staircase. The price of the entrance is 2.50 euros.

Rock Virgin Mary.

If you walk along the coast of the ocean, then you will definitely see another symbol of Biarritz - the Rock of the Virgin Mary. To the rock, about which the waves are broken down, leads a bridge, periodically overwhelmed with water. At the top of the rock, the figure of the Virgin Mary was installed.

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The place is simply amazing and in its energy, which the element gives you, and in its beauty. Next to the bridge are small sandy rocks, which offer picturesque views of the coast and the lighthouse.

Biarritis coastline is very interesting and diverse. Sandy beaches surround unavailable rocks, there are huge boulders in the water, which they appear to your eyes, then disappear under the raid wave.

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Parks and green squares are occurring periodically, in which you definitely want to look.


Biarritz is saturated with beautiful architectural buildings of the XIX century, many of which are currently reconstructed and turned into fashionable hotels. For example, Villa Eugene, built in 1854, and then transformed into a hotel in which many well-known and important person rested, or, picturesquely towering over the Rocky Rock, Villa Belza.

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In Biarritz, there are several museums worthy of tourists. For example, a historical museum telling about the history of the city, which arose in place on the site of the whaling village.

Next to the beach is another museum - sea. Here in more than 20 aquariums live marine inhabitants in the whole world. An interesting sealer show is also held in the museum. Despite its modest size, the museum is very interesting for both children and adults. The museum works almost every day, with the exception of several holidays, from 9:30 and closes at 19:00 or at 20:00, depending on the season. In July and August, the museum works until midnight. Adult ticket costs 14 euros, children's 9.80 euros.

Interesting for the whole family, the event can be visited by the Museum of Chocolate, located on the outskirts of the city.

The admirers of Eastern Culture should not be bypassed and the Asian Museum, which contains a large collection of works of arts of China, India, Nepal and Tibet. The museum has been working from 14:00 to 18:00 or 19:00, the entrance ticket costs 10 euros for an adult, and 2 euros for a child. Museum address: Rue Guy Petit, 1.


There are several temples in the city, the most famous of which are St. Martin Church and St. Eugene Church. The Church of the Intercession of the Virgin and St. Alexander Nevsky becomes a very pleasant discovery for Russian tourists.

What are the interesting places worth visiting in Biarritz? 7725_5

The temple built in the Byzantine style is located in the heart of the city and is a fairly popular place.

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