Rest in Vinnitsa: where to eat and how much does it cost?


Vinnitsa every year becomes more attractive in the tourist plan. This cozy and hospitable town is a well-deserved pearl of a whole Podolsky region. Here I lived the main part of my life, so I can safely discuss issues related to the provision of services. I can assure that interesting places in the city are enough, the main thing is to pre-draw a route of your trip, so you have time to do everything. One of the important criteria for high-quality and pleasant rest, in my opinion, is the ability to deliciously trape at the destination. Regarding Vinnitsa, here you can find an institution for every taste and wallet - ranging from the fabulously expensive restaurants and ending with budget options. I will try to cover all possible options in my narration so that each tourist can pick up the place in the shower.


1) Restaurant - Club "Fazenda" , ul. Pirogova, 131 - This establishment has very good fame in the city. Here all the forces of staff, cooks, administrators and owners are thrown to ensure that each client is satisfied after visiting the restaurant. The choice of dishes of Ukrainian, European and Panasian cuisines. In my opinion, the division of the Square in sectors is exceeded, which gives the rest convenience. You can safely take children here, as a special children's room with a lot of entertainment has been created for them. All types of payment are valid, it is worth mentioning that there is Face Control. The restaurant has been working from 12.00 to 24.00. The average cost of the order is 100 - 200 UAH.

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2) Restaurant "Raisins" , Kotsubyubinsky Avenue, 11 - will become a real find for oriental cuisine. Finding inside, immediately find yourself in the charming world of the East. Here everyone meets as an expensive guest, therefore, the mood after visiting this restaurant is always at the height. You can also order European cuisine dishes, make a pleasant meeting for hookah. The restaurant falls in love with flavor and delicious dishes. Payment in various ways, free parking. Mode of operation from 12.00 to 01.00 (on weekends until 00.00). Reviews from visitors lauddling.

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3) Restaurant Sharerazade , ul. Kiev, 91 - This establishment beats all records in popularity no longer the first year, so do not mention it will be just sinner. Here, various celebrations are often satisfied, but if you come to the city of large companies, it's still worth calling to learn about the possibility to order a table. The dishes in the restaurant is just the highest pilotat, the kitchen employs talented people who are not only the masters of their business, but also his loyal fans. Because, only by investing the soul in your creations you can achieve a similar result. All types of payment are accepted, available free parking, Wi-Fi. Also recently opened, amazing beauty, mini-hotel. There is no average order order - everything depending on the wishes of the guest.

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4) Restaurant "Auto Grill Missalian" , 2nd kilometer Khmelnitsky highway - is five minutes away from the city along the highway. This is a respectable establishment of a "trump card" network. It is clear that the prices here bite, however, risking come here, you will receive the appropriate service, delicious kitchen and excellent impressions. This restaurant is perfect for people who enjoy closed premises - rest here in warmth is the perfect pastime. All types of payment are accepted, there is Wi-Fi, Face Control. Works establishment around the clock.

5) Café Restaurant "Dalucio" , ul. Grushevsky, 28 - This establishment accommodates a pizzeria on the first floor, and a restaurant on the second. Even here everything is decent, the menu is good, but the quality of service might be better. The host of the institution, which a couple works as a cook, is a true Italian, so the recipe of dishes here at the proper level. One thing is sad - the feed that does not quite correspond to the canons. Although this deficiency can be forgiven for delicious food and affordable price policy. The undoubted plus restaurant is the location in the heart of the city. Cash payment, free entrance. Works around the clock.

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6) Restaurant "Safari" , ul. Bloka, 28 - For me, this institution has become a real find this year. It is a whole club, in which a hotel, sauna, swimming pool and, actually, restaurant itself are located. This is a great location for deployment in the city, as it is located in the center (crop area) and accommodates everything you need for a comfortable stay at an affordable price. Reviews about this restaurant are only positive, as well as the club as a whole. Mode of operation from 8.00 to 23.00.

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1) Cafe "Lemon" , ul. Grushevsky, 28 - Institution in the style of old England, which also attracts visitors to the convenience of accommodation and affordable prices. Personally, the cafe did not have to be, so I can't talk about the kitchen. According to reviews I can conclude that the cafe is perfect for lunch snack. Cash type payment, free entrance. Works from 8 am to 24 nights.

2) Tracing "Terramare" , Kotsubyubinsky Avenue, 76a; ul. Kelets, 61a; Zodhi, 34 - In the sieve of these institutions, delicious cuisine, good service and affordable prices are perfectly combined. In principle, it should be attributed to restaurant complexes, however, I think the owners will not be offended by me for the calculation of the tractories to the list of cafes. There really delicious food, however, the availability of prices can be interpreted in different ways - it all depends on the thickness of the client's wallet. In stock Italian and Japanese dishes. There are all types of payment, the entrance is free. Mode of operation from 11 to 23.

3) Pizzeria "Celentano" , ul. Litvinenko, 1; Kelets, 104 - This network is known throughout Ukraine with its availability and high-quality service. For me, this is the most appropriate recommendation to travelers delicious and inexpensive to eat. I especially love the second branch of the above, as I live near and can observe the dynamics of its development. I definitely advise you to visit this institution to all familiar and visit. Throughout the entire period of existence, the cafe undergoes only positive changes. The establishment works from 10 am to 23 pm. Login is free, all types of payment, the discount program is valid.

Comfortable to you rest in our city and pleasant appetite!

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