Car rental in Liechtenstein. What documents do you need and how much does it cost?


In Liechtenstein, despite the small size of the territory, it is worth leasing a car to look into the most remote corners of this principality. Naturally, this civilized state and public transport network here is very developed - you can even get to the high alpine villages. Alternatively, it is possible to rent a bike (absolutely full-fledged road participant),

Car rental in Liechtenstein. What documents do you need and how much does it cost? 7708_1

But with the larching lifestyle, which leads the modern city person, the two-wheeled agent is not suitable for everyone.

There is nothing easier in Europe than to rent a car. Liechtenstein is no exception. The roads are great here, the movement is familiar - right-sided, and rental offices are located in any hotel, at any train station, and the offices of famous international offices in wealth. On average car rental per day will cost you from 3,000 to 3,500 rubles. Mileage is not limited.

Requirements for documents and the experience of driving ordinary: the availability of international rights issued for more than a year ago, plastic card. The driver's age should be older than 20 years. And in the event that the booked car belongs to the premium class, who wants to get behind the wheel should be more than 25 years old - otherwise you will have to pay increased insurance.

Car rental in Liechtenstein. What documents do you need and how much does it cost? 7708_2

Indicators on the roads are comfortable and understandable, and the GPS navigator will help you confidently feel even in remote places. Move on the road on the roads of Liechtenstein is a pleasure, that's just the price of gasoline "bites" - 1.76 franc (about 1.4 euros) per liter, so most drivers are refilled in neighboring Austria. Huge plus parking. On weekends, there are almost everywhere free, and on weekdays only the first hour, but this is a sufficient rare for Europe, where the car parking is a problem. The average price of parking in Liechtenstein is about 1.5 franc (approximately 60 rubles)

Car rental in Liechtenstein. What documents do you need and how much does it cost? 7708_3

Violation of the speed regime is fraught with a large fine. Have this in mind. In settlements a speed limit of 50 km / h; on motorways - 80 km / h; But on the high-speed highway marked with a special sign, you can accelerate to 120 km / h. Belts to use necessarily at any speed - after all, this is your safety. If you travel with children, you need to rent a car chair and carry the baby in it. Children under 12 should sit on the rear seats.

Car rental in Liechtenstein. What documents do you need and how much does it cost? 7708_4

Liechtenstein is famous for his beer and wine. I think that there is no need to remind the inadmissibility of drinking alcoholic beverages by the wheel. And although 0.8 ppm of blood alcohol is officially allowed - this is about three bottles of beer or a bottle of wine for an adult dense man, but still, if you drank a little, you shouldn't sit behind the wheel, as well, you did not drive a car. It is better to sit behind a glass of wine in a good restaurant or in a bar for a beer circle, walk around the evening city, sleep the night, and in the morning to go to a fresh and sober head to the auto-trip in the amazing-little principality of Liechtenstein.

Car rental in Liechtenstein. What documents do you need and how much does it cost? 7708_5

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