What time is it better to relax in Portofino?


Little cozy town of Portofino is located on the Ligurian coast of Italian Riviera. The close proximity of the sea determines the Mediterranean mild climate. Even in winter there is no very cold, the temperature does not go down to 0Dext in January, which is considered the coldest month of the year. In the summer there is enough hot, in July and August the temperature can rise above +30, but there is no stuffy due to the constant circulation of air and the sea breeze, nevertheless due to the fact that the city spread around the sea itself, the air is quite wet here.

Thanks to this successful location, at any time of the year, tourists are striking the riot of paints and colors of nature. By the way, Emanno, this part of the Ligurian coast is considered the most well-keeled. Here every house, every terrass is mini-parisades, each free corner is busy with pots and risks with plants.

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This is promoted by the weather that creates all the conditions for the city simply drowned all year round in greenery.

Of course, like everywhere, the warmest season in Portofino is summer, and by July, water warms up to 20 degrees, so the peak of the influx of tourists falls for July and August. Since Portofino was chosen by the rich world of this, then the price peak also falls for the summer when in proud fully rich customers.

If you just want to see the town and the sea (marked with a blue flag for purity) you are not interested, then it would be best to come here in the middle of spring or autumn, when tourists are not so much here and you can safely take a walk, and prices calm down. When the holiday season ends, there are only 500 inhabitants in the town, so it can be calmly walking along narrow streets that will empty in the cool time of the year.

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What time is it better to relax in Portofino? 7669_3

Mart and October are considered the most rainy months, although even then the weather is quite friendly and tourists pleased with sunny days.

We can safely say that in Portofino you can relax at any time of the year, only everything depends on the purpose of your trip and the amount you are willing to spend on vacation, but in any case the trip will be unforgettable.

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